TSM log files questions - ADSM.ORG
2007年10月10日 · (01) Does TSM backup all log files including the dsmsched.log file? (02) If I wish to move and point these log files into another directory like /var/tivoli/tsm/logs, what should I change in TSM in order to have them point to a different directory?
TSM client log files | ADSM.ORG - Enterprise Storage Management ...
2007年10月19日 · My TSM nodes are configured to run scheduled backups using TSM Scheduler services (no CAD service). Therefore, these TSM Schedule services are running 24/7 to wait for scheduled job initiations from the TSM server. My TSM Scheduler services are using the default log files: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log
TSM Active Log gets Full - ADSM.ORG
2007年3月3日 · I am using TSM v6.1.2 on WIN 2003 R2 Server with just 12 client nodes . The active log defined in TSM options file is 10 GB but it is using 39 GB space on the file-system and i had done several DB backups for two days now ,still the active log size does not reduce . dsmserv.opt -----ACTIVELOGSize 10240 ACTIVELOGDirectory g:\active_log
DB2 Log Path- TSM Path - ADSM.ORG
2008年3月18日 · If i start the restore D:\tsm\server1\>"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\Tsm\server\"dsmserv.exe restore db, the restore is start. in the Path F:\tsm\logm i'm facing 33 files like S0000949.LOG. the restore is finished with error: ANR4912I Database full restore in progress and DB transaction log bytes transferred 818,122,763 ANR1364I Input volume D ...
Housekeeping the logfile (dsmsched.log & dsmerror.log)
2007年9月30日 · Currently my TSM when i view these log, the log will show since the system is started (since year 2005). It is difficult to me if i'm issue 'q systeminfo'. The result of this cmd will capture all the log file into the systeminfo.txt.
Problem in TSM with active/archive logs - ADSM.ORG
2015年2月18日 · Now the active log and archive log is full and my failover archive log is about 65% full. My question; The size of my active log is 128 GB and since tsm isn't running at the moment. If my failover path has enough space for all pending transactions from the active log to complete and move to the failover path.
Dsmsched.log and dsmerror.log modifictaion in location in LInux
2011年1月27日 · I know it can be done through dsm.sys but in my setup the log files are not in default location and not mentioned in dsm.sys. the logs of som of the servers are loacted in / starbgely. Trying to figure what could be the other possible ways to change the location.
TSM Log is 100% full - ADSM.ORG
2015年3月7日 · ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress. ANR0353I Recovery log analysis pass in progress. ANR0354I Recovery log redo pass in progress. ANR0355I Recovery log undo pass in progress. ANR9999D_0477151326 LogAllocSegment(logseg.c:694) Thread<42>: Log space has been overcommitted (no empty segment found) - base LSN = …
Insufficient log space - TSM server wouldn't start
2009年8月13日 · 13 GB is the max limit for recovery log in TSM v.5 and a recommendation is not to extend to exactly 13 GB because then it's impossible to get TSM server working again if a similar failure occurs (probably you haven't run "backup db …
Active log and Archive log filled up - ADSM.ORG
2018年6月14日 · You can find out what the oldest/first log file is using these commands: db2cmd -> this will open a new window, from there issue: db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 get db cfg for tsmdb1 | find "First active log file" The log file listed in the output of the last command is the first or oldest log files. Any log files older than that can be safely deleted.