Technical Standard Orders (TSO) - Federal Aviation Administration
2023年7月17日 · A TSO is a minimum performance standard for specified materials, parts, and appliances used on civil aircraft. When authorized to manufacture a material, part, or appliances to a TSO standard, this is referred to as TSO authorization. Receiving a TSO authorization is both design and production approval.
TSO-C75 Hydraulic Hose Assemblies (JTSO-2C75) Advisory Circulars and Technical Standard Orders can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Subsequent Distribution Office,
Technical Standard Order TSO-C75 Subject: TSO-C75, HYDRAULIC …
Technical Standard Order TSO-C75 for hydraulic hose assemblies used in civil transport aircraft. Includes performance, testing, and marking standards.
§ 514.8 1Hydraulic hose assemblies - TSO-C75—(a) Applicability— (1) Minimum performance standards. Minimu performancm e standards are hereby establishe fod r hydraulic hose assemblies which are t useo bed on civi aircrafl otf the United States. Ne …
FAA Technical Standard Orders (TSO) are the performance qualification standards for aircraft parts, materials, etc. Those that apply to hose assemblies are summarized below. A listing of current TSO approvals for Stratoflex hose assemblies is contained in Information Bulletin 1030.
Technical Standard Orders (TSO's) for aeronautical products to be used on civil aircraft. The AC presents an index of the FAA TSO's which contain the minimum performance standards for specified materials, parts, processes, and appliances used on civil aircraft. In addition to the current listing of TSO's in Appendices 1 and 2, Appendix 3 of the AC
TSO C75 Aircraft Hose Assembly - Aero-Hose, Corp.
Category: TSO C75 Home Standards TSO C75. Showing all 2 results. R101 (130/180 Series) Hose Assembly Request RFQ; R160 (240 Series) Hose Assembly Request RFQ; Aero-Hose, Corp. A Legacy of Superior Service. Founded in 2004, Aero-Hose, Corp. is an AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 certified company that designs, manufactures and/or provides a variety of ...
FAA-TSO-C75 | Hydraulic Hose Assemblies - Document Center, Inc.
This document comes with our free Notification Service, good for the life of the document. This document is available in either Paper or PDF format. Prices subject to change without notice.
DOT - TSO C75 HYDRAULIC HOSE ASSEMBLIES active, Most Current Buy Now. Details. History. Organization: DOT: Status: active: Page Count: 12: Document History. TSO C75 HYDRAULIC HOSE ASSEMBLIES A description is not …
TSO Types for Fuel and Oil - Specialty Hose Corporation
TSO Types TSO-C53 for Fuel and Oil Hoses • Type A - Non-fire resistant "normal" temperature hose assemblies which are intended to be used in locations outside fire zones where the fluid and ambient air temperatures do not exceed 250 degrees F. Rubber hose assemblies.