BAC TSR-2 - Wikipedia
The British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 is a cancelled Cold War strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC), for the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
重振大英航空的幻梦,与英国航空工业一同埋葬的核轰炸 …
TSR-2是一型最终被取消的冷战核轰炸机和侦察机,由不列颠飞机公司在上世纪五十年代和六十年代初为英国皇家空军研制。 TSR-2的设计目的是打造一架能够以超高速在低空飞行的强力战机,能够突破苏联层层防空系统突袭进入敌方并以核武器或者常规炸弹摧毁敌方的关键目标。 该机的另一种任务模式就是进行高空、高速巡航,通过雷达系统侦测和收集敌方信息。 # 重振大英在世界航空业地位的最后希望. 在首飞之前,TSR-2经历了预算超标、延期等一系列问题,但是不少英国 …
Profile - The BAC TSR.2 - ausairpower.net
The TSR.2 has been described as aerodynamically a Mach 3 aircraft, built with materials to a Mach 2+ specification. A nominal mission profile for the TSR.2 would involve an afterburning takeoff and 5,000 ft/min climb to 23,000 ft, followed by a Mach 0.92 dry cruise climb to 26,000 ft.
British Aircraft BAC TSR-2 - Skytamer.com
The TSR-2 was designed to penetrate a well-defended forward battle area at low altitudes and very high speeds, and then attack high-value targets in the rear with nuclear or conventional weapons. Another intended combat role was to provide high-altitude, high-speed stand-off, side-looking radar and photographic imagery and signals intelligence ...
BAC TSR-2 Tactical Strike / Reconnaissance / Bomber Aircraft
2021年8月1日 · Along the same lines as the prototype North American XB-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber of the United States Air Force, the BAC TSR-2 was to be England's "super" Cold War tactical strike and reconnaissance bomber (the "TSR" in the formal designation equates to "Tactical Strike / Reconnaissance").
BAC TSR-2: Photos, History, Specification - tvd.im
The TSR-2 is designed to carry firearms via internal and external weapon assemblies. Up to 6,000 pounds of supplies were stored in the internal bomb bay, and up to 4,000 pounds of supplies were stored externally, for a total of 10,000 pounds of possible weapons.
British aircraft corporation: TSR‐2 | Emerald Insight
The design philosophy of the TSR‐2 as it applies to an aircraft designed primarily for the high‐speed, low‐level strike/reconnaissance role was described in detail in the December 1963 issue of Aircraft Engineering (Ref. 1) but since that initial appraisal of the TSR‐2 was written some eleven months ago, there has been a gradual release ...
BAC TSR2 - Classic Aircraft
The planned reconnaissance capability of the TSR-2 was extensive. In a purely reconnaissance role the aircraft would have carried a complete reconnaissance pack in a pannier in the weapons bay. The reconnaissance pack included the EMI Q-Band SLAR, a moving target indicator and active optical linescan radar, which could also transmit the picture ...
Target Lock: TSR.2 : Origins
The TSR.2 was based on English Electric's P.17A, but it was stretched and developed well beyond the original. Bristol Siddeley Engines was given the contract for the powerplant, a reheated version of the Olympus called the 22R, despite the objections of Vickers and EE (who merged to form BAC in June 1960) that they wanted a Rolls-Royce engine.
Britain’s Big Bumble - HistoryNet
2017年10月25日 · TSR-2 fans ascribe the darkest conspiracy theories to the cancellation: Prime Minister Harold Wilson was secretly a Communist and killed it at the Soviets’ behest. British ministers were taking money under the table from Lockheed and other American airframers.