TTK Games - We live to inspire, connect and entertain | Home
We are building the next generation of online shooters. Be humble, be your best self, inspire through work, embrace teamwork. Challenge assumptions, embrace exploration, learn by failing often and early. Engage openly, make active decisions, follow through, deliver quality where it …
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We are TTK Games — a brand new studio formed by industry veterans building the next generation of online shooters | Why we exist. To combine the expertise of industry veterans with the latest ...
TTK Games
Pushing 50 in our crew and going stronger, TTK has grown into a respectable crowd. While our Battlefield heritage is true and clear, we’re proud to say we’ve recruited talent from 21 different studios with titles like Destiny, Horizon, Forza, Fable, Killzone, the Finals, It Takes Two and Mirror’s Edge on their CV’s, to mention a few.
前《战地》创意总监创立新工作室 开发次世代在线射击游戏_3DM …
2023年5月23日 · 前《战地》创意总监Lars Gustavsson宣布成立新游戏开发工作室TTK Games (Time To Kill Games)。 TTK Games位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,是由4名前EA DICE资深人士共同创立,他们表示已经“获得了大量资金和创作自由”,目前正在开发一款次世代在线射击游戏。
TTK Games - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
TTK Games is a Stockholm-based studio that develops first-person shooter (FPS) games. There is no recent news or activity for this profile. TTK Games is developing a new online first-person shooter game, focusing on creating an engaging and entertaining experience for players.
EXCLUSIVE – Battlefield Veteran Lars Gustavsson Founds New Studio TTK Games
2023年3月19日 · Battlefield Veteran Lars Gustavsson, AKA Mr. Battlefield has founded a new studio called TTK Games, Insider Gaming has learned. According to company filings , the new studio located in Stockholm was formed in April 2022 and …
前《战地》创意总监创立新工作室 开发次世代在线射击游戏_Games…
2023年5月23日 · 前《战地》创意总监Lars Gustavsson宣布成立新游戏开发工作室TTK Games (Time To Kill Games)。 TTK Games位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,是由4名前EA DICE资深人士共同创立,他们表示已经“获得了大量资金和创作自由”,目前正在开发一款次世代在线射击游戏。
TTK Games - We live to inspire, connect and entertain | About
We’re TTK Games — a brand new studio formed by industry veterans. We’re building the next generation of online shooters.
不要再叫我战地先生,我来自TTK工作室 - 百家号
2023年3月20日 · Lars Gustavsson成立了一家全新游戏工作室“TTK GAMES”。 该工作室位于斯德哥尔摩,名字来自射击游戏术语“Time to Kill”。 虽然Lars Gustavsson暂时没有对外宣布该工作室新项目,但外界猜测大概率依旧专注于射击游戏。
Lars Gustavsson and former DICE leaders establish Stockholm-based TTK Games
2023年5月23日 · Former DICE creative director Lars Gust avsson has announced the establishment of TTK Games (Time to Kill Games), a new studio led by games industry leaders formerly of DICE and DICE Los...