TV Parental Guidelines - Wikipedia
Under this revised system, television programming would continue to fall into one of the six ratings categories (TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 or TV-MA), but content descriptors would be added to the ratings where appropriate, based on the type (s) of objectionable content included in the individual program or episode: D (suggestive dialogue),...
美国电视节目分级制度 - 百度百科
TV-14是指该节目可能不适合于14岁以下未成年人收看。 这种节目可能涉及大量暴力、成人情节、不雅用语或者性题材的内容。 一些在晚间9点以后播放的节目,包括一些电视剧和著名的夜间脱口秀,以及电视台播放的PG-13或 R级 的电影,会被定为这一级。 TV-MA是指这级电视节目可能含有不适合17岁以下未成年人或只适合成年观众收看的内容。 这种节目会过量地涉及暴力、性和裸露镜头和不雅用语内容。 在免费 电视频道 中这类节目比较罕见,一些 付费电视 的基本频道和 …
TV-14 vs. PG-13: What's the Difference? - History Tools
2024年3月23日 · TV-14 and PG-13 may sound nearly identical in cautioning against certain content for young teens. However, there are key differences in how these ratings are decided and just how reliable they are. In this guide, we’ll explore the history behind TV-14 and PG-13, the type of content permitted by each, and which offers parents the most consistency.
TV-14 | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
The television programming that is rated TV-14 in the United States by the TV Parental Guidelines signifies content with parents strongly cautioned. It corresponds to the MPA's PG-13 rating for movies, and the ESRB's T rating for video games. Content may be …
Understand the TV Rating System: TV-PG, TV-14, & More - wikiHow
2024年10月26日 · What Do TV PG and the Other TV Codes Mean? The TV Rating System indicators contain three elements. At the top of each code, it says TV. In the middle, in a larger font, you’ll find the rating for the TV show. This determines …
PG 13 vs TV 14: What You Need to Know! [2024 Guide] - Projector …
2024年2月1日 · Two commonly used ratings in the film and television industry are PG-13 and TV-14. Here will delve into the differences and similarities between PG-13 and TV-14 ratings, & understanding more about them. What is PG-13? What is TV-14? 1. Understand your TV’s capabilities: 2. Access the settings menu: 3. Set a passcode: 4. Select the channels: 5.
What Does TV 14 Mean? (TV-14 vs. PG-13 | Key Difference)
2022年8月5日 · TV 14 is essentially the equivalent of a PG-13 rated movie. The major difference is that TV-14 shows typically have a bit stronger language, more intense sexual situations and/or violence. Examples of TV 14 shows include Stranger Things and The Office.
PG-13 vs. TV-14 - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
PG-13 and TV-14 are both ratings used to indicate that a program or movie may not be suitable for younger audiences. However, PG-13 is typically used for movies and TV-14 is used for television shows. PG-13 allows for more mature content such as violence, language, and some sexual content, while TV-14 may include more intense themes and situations.
TV-14 vs. PG-13 - TechBullion
2022年9月12日 · The TV-14 rating indicates that a program contains material that may not be suitable for children under the age of 14. PG-13 is a rating assigned by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). The PG-13 rating indicates that a film contains material that may be inappropriate for children under the age of 13.
TV-14 vs PG-13: Actual Differences (2023 Updated!) - TechBullish
2022年11月25日 · In this post, I will contrast and compare the TV-14 vs PG-13 content descriptors in terms of different criteria that you need to know. So, what’s the actual difference? The TV-14 is a type of content unsuitable for children under 14 years whereas the PG-13 is a type of content unsuitable for children under 13 years of age.
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