Tension free vaginal tape versus Burch colposuspension for treatment …
The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of tension free vaginal tape (TVT) with Burch colposuspension in the treatment of SIU. Patients and methods: Fifty female patients, presenting with SUI were randomly divided into two equal groups.
【诊疗指南】压力性尿失禁手术治疗指南 - 知乎
Burch手术与TVT比较: (1)疗效:两者都是目前疗效最为稳定的术式,随机对照研究显示控尿率基本相似,多在90%以上,近期TVT治疗压力性尿失禁的临床应用报道显著多于Burch手术。
Burch Colposuspension and Tension-Free Vaginal Tape in the …
2002年4月1日 · TVT procedure requires much shorter operating time, provides a much shorter duration of hospitalization and a faster return to normal activity compared to Burch colposuspension. Our present practice has been changed in favor of TVT procedure with parallel reduction in the performance of Burch colposuspension.
Laparoscopic Burch colposuspension versus tension-free vaginal …
Objective: To compare the laparoscopic Burch colposuspension with the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) for efficacy. Methods: Seventy-two women from 2 institutions were randomized: 36 to laparoscopic Burch colposuspension and 36 to TVT.
2019年12月23日 · 目前国内外主流的女性sui手术治疗手段为无张力阴道吊带术(tvt)、由内向外闭孔无张力悬吊术(tvt-o)和由外向内闭孔无张力悬吊术(tot)。 1.TVT (1)手术流程
Comparison of Laparoscopic Burch and Tension-Free Vaginal …
Therefore, this preliminary study indicates that TVT is a safer, easier, and more effective minimally invasive surgery to perform for genuine stress urinary incontinence regardless of the patient's BMI and can be favorably compared with the laparoscopic Burch approach, which requires advanced surgical skill.
The Burch colposuspension has a 50-plus year history demonstrating strong long-term outcomes with few complications. Laparoscopic and open Burch colposuspension approaches have been shown to have equal efficacy. Other minimally invasive options, such as the mini-incisional Burch and robotic Burch, have less
TVT vs. Burch: Experts debate best option for SUI - Urology Times
2003年3月1日 · Toronto-Both tension-free vaginal tape and the laparoscopic Burch procedurehave their benefits and drawbacks when used as a first-line treatment forfemale stress incontinence. Experts from the University of Toronto debatedthe merits of these two approaches at the Women's Pelvic Health Update,a meeting of the Sunnybrook and Women's College ...
Laparoscopic Burch Colposuspension Versus Tension-Free Vagin ...
To compare the laparoscopic Burch colposuspension with the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT) for efficacy. METHODS: Seventy-two women from 2 institutions were randomized: 36 to laparoscopic Burch colposuspension and 36 to TVT. Multichannel urodynamic tests were performed preoperatively and 1 year after surgery.
TVT、TOT和Burch术治疗压力性尿失禁的疗效和安全性分析:Meta …
TVT术的再次手术率较经腹Burch术低57%,而与腹腔镜下Burch术相比无显著差异。 TVT术在术后血肿、尿路感染、储尿期下尿路症状(LUTS)、排尿期LUTS、阴道侵蚀和伤口感染上与Burch术相比,无显著差异(P>0.1)。