TZ-45 - Wikipedia
The TZ-45 was an Italian blowback-operated submachine gun produced between 1944 and 1945, with an estimated 6,000 made. The TZ-45 submachine gun was designed by two Italians; Tonon, a lieutenant colonel in the National Republican Army whose first name remains unknown and Aldo Zorzoli, a gunsmith, and was produced by the Giandoso company.
TZ-45冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TZ-45是一款由意大利 社会共和国枪械设计师托诺尼(Tonon)和佐尔佐利·詹多索(Zorzoli Giandoso)两兄弟所研制、詹多索兄弟工厂(Fabbrica Fratelli Giandoso)在1944年至1945年期间少量生产的冲锋枪,估计仅生产了6,000枝。
TZ-45衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TZ-45是一款由意大利 社会共和国槍械設計師托諾尼(Tonon)和佐爾佐利·詹多索(Zorzoli Giandoso)兩兄弟所研製、詹多索兄弟工廠(Fabbrica Fratelli Giandoso)在1944年至1945年期間少量生產的冲锋枪,估計僅生產了6,000枝。
TZ-45衝鋒槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
TZ-45是一款由意大利 社會共和國槍械設計師托諾尼(Tonon)和佐爾佐利·詹多索(Zorzoli Giandoso)兩兄弟所研製、詹多索兄弟工廠(Fabbrica Fratelli Giandoso)在1944年至1945年期間少量生產的衝鋒鎗,估計僅生產了6,000枝。
2020年7月30日 · tz-45这款冲锋枪的独到之处就是使用了自动式握把。 正是因为这个设计,使其确立了武器发展史上不可撼动的重要地位。 而这一技术的创新对战后各国冲锋枪的设计也产生了很大影响。
TZ-45冲锋枪 - 百度百科
tz-45冲锋枪 由 意大利 的托尼·詹多索和佐尔佐利·詹多索两兄弟于1945年 二战 结束前几个月设计而成,是世界上第一款带有自动式握把保险装置的冲锋枪。该枪似乎已经被人们遗忘,但是它在设计和技术上取得的突破,为战后各国冲锋枪的发展起到了一定的 ...
TZ-45 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The TZ-45 was an Italian submachine gun that was produced by Fabbrica Giandoso in 1945. The TZ-45 was designed by an Italian RSI officer, Lt. Col. Tonon, and an engineer Aldo Zorzoli, from whose surnames the weapon gained its name.
The TZ-45: Italy's Late-War SMG with a Special Safety - Forgotten …
The TZ-45 was a small-production SMG used by the Italian Army during WWII. and after the war by Burma (now Myanmar). It uses a unique type of grip safety.
TZ-45 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
TZ-45 is an Italian submachine gun designed by Aldo Zorzoli and produced by Società Anonima Meccanica Torinese (SAMT). Originally developed in 1943 as a cheaper and more compact alternative to the Beretta Model 38, the TZ-45 was taken into service with the Italian Social Republic in late 1944.
TZ-45 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The TZ-45 was an Italian made submachine gun produced in small numbers between 1944 and 1945, with an estimated 6,000 made. The TZ-45 submachine guns was designed by two Italian brothers, Tonon ("Toni") and Zorzoli Giandoso, and was produced by their own small company.