TacSat-3 - Wikipedia
TacSat-3 is the second in a series of U.S. military experimental technology and communication satellites. It was assembled in an Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate facility at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. [2]
TacSat-3 (Tactical Satellite-3) - eoPortal
2012年6月14日 · TacSat-3 is a follow-up US minisatellite technology demonstration mission within the ORS (Operational Responsive Space) program of DoD, representing a partnership between three military service branches.
高光谱卫星应用与展望 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
日本计划在2020年发射先进陆地观测卫星3号(Advanced Land Observing Satellite-3,ALOS-3)将搭载对地观测使用的高光谱成像仪HISUI。 其在400~2500nm波段范围内拥有185个通道,空间分辨率为30m,地面幅宽30km。
战术卫星3号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
这是 战术卫星系列 的其中一个,关于这个系列的介绍,请见 战术卫星。 卫星百科 航天大模型 已上线,欢迎使用! 禁止在任何页面泄露 国家秘密 或 商业秘密。 除特殊说明外, 本站点 内容基于 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 共享,转载需注明来源并按相同方式共享。 加群链接: 航天讨论 、 编辑讨论 、 航天动态。 欢迎来 卫星百科官方商城 选购航天周边! 欢迎 加油,助力灰机社区生态发展! 卫星百科 航天大模型 正在公测中。 使用卫星百科,请阅读 指南,并 加入编辑群 参与讨论。 未 …
塔克萨特-3 - 华文百科
Tacsat-3是一系列美国军事实验技术和通信卫星的第二个。 它是在新墨西哥州基尔特兰空军基地的空军研究实验室(AFRL)太空车辆设施中组装的。 TACSAT卫星均设计旨在证明能够提供从空间到现场战斗指挥官收集的实时数据的能力。
The Tactical Satellite 3 mission was a flight experiment designed to demonstrate tactical and traditional space applications of militarily significant hyperspectral imagery. Additionally, TacSat-3 was developed in the infancy of the Responsive Space movement. TacSat-3 was built to push on increasing the capabilities of a
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Tactical Satellite 3
Satellite-3 (TacSat-3) spacecraft features an onboard processor, which will provide real-time data (within 10 minutes of its collection) to the combatant commander in the theater of interest. The small TacSat-3 satellite, weighing less than 400 kilograms (880 pounds), will also exhibit a first generation modular bus providing the
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2015年5月1日 · Tacsat 3 is an experimental US military satellite carrying a hyperspectral imager. The satellite was launched on-board a Minotaur 1 rocket on 19 May 2009 at 23:55 UT from Wallops.
Tactical Satellite-3 Mission Overview and Initial Lessons Learned
Tactical Satellite-3 (TacSat-3) was successfully launched on 19 May 09, and has provided key insights into hyperspectral imaging capabilities hosted on a small satellite platform. TacSat-3 has given insights into new concepts of operations in the tactical employment of satellites and the balance between on-board processing, automation and ...
TacSat-3 卫星 (Tactical Satellite-3) 最完整的介绍 - 百度文库
TacSat-3 is a minisatellite using a standardized modular bus designed and built by Swales Aerospace of Beltsville, MD (contract award in early June 2006). The bus is referred to asORSMB(Operationally Responsive Space Modular Bus).A major objective is to provide an implementation of bus standards with priority on demonstrating avionics standards ...
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