The TD-4003 is developed by building on the many key design successes found in the previous released Drivers. The results of this engineering feat is a product of improved clarity with a linear response over a wide frequency range of 600Hz to 20,000Hz at an SPL of 112dB (1W,1m).
New to the TAD family of Compression Drivers is the TD-4003 which has been newly developed building on the many key design success's found in the TD-4001 and TD-4002 Drivers. The results of this engineering feat is a product of improved clarity with a linear response over a wide frequency range of
Among the significant improvements designed by the TAD Engineers is the redesigned Aluminum 3 slit phasing plug. As with the TD-4003, we have made subtle improvements to the shape and material which has contributed to the improved frequency response.
TAD/Pioneer TD-4003 Specification Pioneer - Audio Database
In addition to excellent conversion efficiency in the high-frequency range, the edge portion is made of beryllium that is integrated with the dome portion, enabling wide-range playback with an extremely wide bandwidth for this diameter driver. By adopting a rear compression system, the effect of edge resonance is reduced.
TAD® PIONEER Professional Studio Loudspeaker Components
TAD TD-4003 - wenn Sie einen besseren und universeller einsetzbaren 1,5"-Hochtontreiber finden - kaufen Sie ihn! Zugegeben, der 4003 hat einen stolzen Preis, aber er ist jede Mark wert! Wie beim TD-2002 können Sie direkt an der Beryllium-Spule verlustfrei anschließen. Unserer Meinung nach können Sie mit einem modernen 1,5"-Horn getrost auf ...
TAD 2002 vs 4003 - What’s Best Forum
2021年2月7日 · Can anyone suggest why you would take a TD-2002 over a TD-4003? I would like to include one in my new two-way build covering everything north of 800hz. It depends on several things. From the outset there is a difference between how Large vs Small format drivers sound.
TAD Technical Audio Devices TD-4003 - Reverb
As new pair of Technical Audio Devices TD-4003 State of the art compression drivers - probably the best in the world. TAD's latest compression driver technology.
TAD/Pioneer TD-4003の仕様 パイオニア - オーディオの足跡
音波の位相乱れを防ぐフェイジングプラグに、アルミニウム素材による円環状スリットを搭載したコンプレッションドライバー。 ダイアフラムには、真空蒸着技術によって造られた超軽量かつ高剛性の素材であるピュアベリリウムを10cm口径で採用しています。 これにより高周波領域での優れた変換効率が得られたほか、エッジ部もドーム部と一体のベリリウムとすることで、この径のドライバーとしては著しく広帯域のワイドレンジ再生を可能にしてます。 リアコンプ …
TAD TD-4003 on ES-450 Biradial No.2184 - Joseph Crowe
2024年2月14日 · In this blog post I test the TAD TD-4003 on ES-450 Biradial No.2184. Horn model No.2184 is specially designed for the TD-4003 which uses a 39mm diameter throat. The ES-450 biradial normally has a 50mm diameter throat which is model No.2183 for reference.
Used tad 4003 for Sale | HifiShark.com
2025年2月10日 · Used Tad 4003 for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability