Ankle Arthritis - Foot & Ankle - Orthobullets
2024年11月1日 · Ankle Arthritis is a common degenerative joint disease of the tibiotalar joint that presents with pain, stiffness, and deformity of the ankle. Most commonly caused by post-traumatic etiology but can also present as primary osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis. Diagnosis is typically made with plain radiographs of the ankle.
Takakura-Tanaka 分期标准,也是临床医生最常用的踝关节OA 分期标准,通过踝关节负重位片中基于踝 关节间隙狭窄程度、骨赘生成、软骨下骨硬化等表现来进行分期:I 期:早期硬化和骨赘形成,无关节狭
Automatic Grading of Ankle Osteoarthritis Based on Takakura …
The Takakura staging system has been used for the stratification in ankle osteoarthritis(OA). Patient’s OA stage is determined by visual examination on the status of talar and distal tibia in anteroposterior ankle radiograph.
Current concepts in the management of ankle arthritis - PMC
The Takakura classification divides ankle arthritis into 5 categories based on ankle mortise plain radiograph findings. It is particularly useful when monitoring the progression of arthritis, but fails to guide surgical management.
Takakura-Tanaka classification stages (A) 2, (B) 3a, (C) 3b, and (D) 4.
Download scientific diagram | Takakura-Tanaka classification stages (A) 2, (B) 3a, (C) 3b, and (D) 4. from publication: The Relationship Between the Distal Tibial Fibular Syndesmosis and the...
牵张成形术治疗中重度踝关节炎中远期疗效分析 - PMC
Takakura等 将踝关节炎进行分期,并指出Ⅲ期以上属于中重度关节炎,可考虑行保关节手术,包括踝关节清理术、踝上截骨术、牵张成形术等。 牵张成形术常应用于髋、膝、肘、踝关节,使用外固定支架牵开关节,降低下肢负重时的压力,达到缓解关节炎的目的 ...
Technique Tip: Correcting Malalignment of the Talus
2022年3月1日 · Takakura staging is a useful staging system widely used for varus-type ankle arthritis (1). Joint-preserving surgeries are recommended for Takakura stage 2 and stage 3a ankle arthritis, while ankle fusion or replacement is suggested for stage 3b and stage 4 arthritis (2, 3).
Supramalleolar osteotomies for ankle arthritis: a systematic review ...
2023年4月3日 · SMOs combined with adjuvant, osseous and soft tissue, procedures, were performed mostly for arthritic ankles of stage II and III, according to the Takakura classification and offered functional improvement with low complication rate.
踝上截骨术与踝关节融合术治疗伴距骨倾斜的Takakura 3A期内翻 …
For inverted ankle OA in Takakura 3A stage with talus tilt, both SMOT and AA can significantly releave pain, improve foot function and quality of life, but AA has more definite effectiveness and better patient satisfaction. Keywords: Supramalleolar osteotomy, ankle arthrodesis, osteoarthritis, Takakura stage, talar tilt angle
Takakura Classification – Wessex Orthopaedics
Stage 1 = early sclerosis and osteophytes, normal joint space; Stage 2 = narrowing of the medial joint space; Stage 3A = obliteration of the medial joint space; Stage 3B = obliteration of the talar dome joint space; Stage 4 = total loss of joint space with pan-osteoarthritis