take the MTR or take MTR? - TextRanch
2025年1月11日 · Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Take the MTR" is used when referring to a specific subway system, such as the one in Hong Kong. On the other hand, "Take MTR" is more general. It can be used when talking about taking any subway system without specifying a particular one.
捷運、地鐵英文該用 metro、subway、underground 還是…?
搭乘地鐵可以用 take/ride the metro 或是 go to… by metro,留意 the metro 的 the 並沒有特指的意思,是因為 metro 是指整個地鐵系統。 而在地鐵上則會說 on the metro,這些用法也適用於以下其他的地鐵稱呼唷。 They took/rode the metro to the shopping mall. = …
通常情况下,老外在表达乘地铁的时候用take a metro还是take …
表达地铁的意思词分别是 subway underground Metro,还有一个the Tube 地下铁(英国) 最常用的还是subway,by/take the subway
take a metro和take the metro的区别?_百度知道
2019年12月7日 · take a metro和take the metro的区别如下:take the metro是介词短语做状语。 take a metro 则是动词短语做谓语。 用法区别如下:I take a metro to work.我乘地铁去工作。 I go t.
[國中] 關於take the MRT的用法 (交通工具系列問題) - 精華區 …
2010年11月8日 · 大家好, 最近在教國中英文時, 遇到一個讓我有點困惑的問題 我看到某版本的參考書上面寫著 如果題目是寫"搭乘捷運去某地"的話 那麼必須要用take "the" MRT (必須限定) 可是另一本參考書上面寫的卻是take an MRT 和take the MRT皆可以使用 所以我想請問各位說,請問 ...
搭乘交通工具的用法|交通運輸、英文文法|學呀 英語
若要使用動詞表達搭乘之意,可以使用「take」。 剛剛的例句即可使用 take 來代替: Jenny goes to school every day by bus. = Jenny takes a bus to school every day. 當然,其他的交通工具也可用 take 來描述,例如: take a taxi 「搭計程車」、 take a train 「搭火車」、 take a ship/ take a boat/ take a ferry 「搭船」、 take an airplane 「搭飛機」。 另外,在表示捷運與高鐵時,只可使用 the,不能用 a: take the MRT 「搭捷運」、 take the HSR 「搭高鐵」。
a MTR or an MTR (小二功課) - 自由講場 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王 …
2021年12月10日 · a 或 an 係指某一類野,例如蘋果,袋等,唔係特定架野! 係屬於“範例“! 但MTR 就唔同,因為係單一架野,所以係用 "the",仲有一個例子“地球“,英文係 “the earth“。
Getting Around Hong Kong by MTR (Subway) - TheHKshopper.com
Taking the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is one of the most convenient ways to travel in Hong Kong. It is efficient and reasonably cheap. Depending on the distance, single journey fares range from 4 HKD to 26 HKD. There are three options for buying tickets, which are.
MTR > Tickets and Fares
Tips for you: From August 25, 2024, Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above must use the JoyYou Card to enjoy the $2 Scheme. Passengers aged 65 or above can only enjoy "Concessionary Fare" which is about half the Adult Fare using an Elder Octopus. Please click here for details.
Getting around Hong Kong - Hong Kong Tourism Board
Getting around Hong Kong couldn't be easier with the quick and efficient Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system. This covers all major districts in the territory, including stops at the boundary with Mainland China (Lo Wu Station and Lok Ma Chau Station).
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