TAMBE: EXCLUDER® Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis
Discover the GORE® TAMBE, the first FDA-approved off-the-shelf endovascular solution for treating complex aneurysmal disease of the visceral aorta.
Specifications | GORE® EXCLUDER® TAMBE - Gore Medical
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EXCLUDER® TBE approved by FDA for Breakthrough ... - Gore …
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (January 25, 2024) — W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) announced FDA approval for the GORE ® EXCLUDER ® Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE), the first off-the-shelf endovascular solution for the treatment of complex aneurysmal disease involving the visceral aorta.
Initial Experience With the GORE® EXCLUDER® …
The TAMBE is the first TAAA device design to be developed with a specific bridging stent-graft. Characteristics of this stent-graft include its balloon-expandable platform with the benefits of reliable deployment and radial force needed to treat visceral targets, coupled with conformability and flexibility, which is comparable to what can be ...
Study and the continued access subjects. The study design includes the assessment of the TAMBE Device in treating patients with thoracoabdominal and pararenal aortic aneurysms. A total of 102...
Total transfemoral approach for Gore Excluder thoracoabdominal …
Gore Excluder thoracoabdominal branch endoprosthesis (TAMBE) (W. L. Gore & Associates) represents a new endovascular treatment for thoracoabdominal aneurysms. 1 TAMBE indications for use (IFU) requires femoral and upper extremity access. The need for upper extremity access will preclude patients with diseased axillary arteries, reoperative ...
米国FDA批准Gore在复杂主动脉瘤中的突破性血管内装置_主动脉 …
米国Gore(公司名称)宣布,米国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA)批准了“Gore隔绝胸腹主动脉分支腔内假体” (Excluder thoracoabdominal branch endoprosthesis, TAMBE),Gore表示, 这是第一个用于治疗涉及内脏主动脉分支的复杂主动脉瘤疾病的现成腔内解决方案。 米国医生对累及内脏分支血管的主动脉瘤患者的治疗选择有限,目前的开放手术修复标准复杂,且与高死亡率和发病率相关。 报告继续指出,现有的微创治疗方案仅限于非为此目的设计的产品或定制的装置 (如果患者的 …
Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE) introduces a novel concept, which is based on the GORE® EXCLUDER® AAA Device platform using a nitinol stent frame and conformable ePTFE technology. The device is intended to be used with the balloon-expandable GORE® VIABAHN® BX Endoprosthesis or the self-expandable GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis
GORE® EXCLUDER® 胸腹分支内置假体(TAMBE 装置) 在 腹主 …
2024年8月27日 · 使用 gore® excluder® 胸腹分支内假体(tambe 主动脉组件)的主动脉组件进行治疗,可对涉及内脏血管的主动脉疾病进行血管内修复。 签署知情同意书时年龄≥18岁。
Early outcomes from the pivotal trial of a four-branch off-the shelf ...
2024年4月13日 · Key Findings: Treatment of extent IV thoracoabdominal aortic and pararenal aneurysms using the GORE EXCLUDER Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE) was technically successful in 101 of 102 patients, had no lesion- or aneurysm-related mortality, and major adverse events in 7 (6.9%) through 30 days.