★A shade of gray great for painting U.S. aircraft.
XF Paint Chips - Tamiya Acrylic Paint XF / Tamiya USA
2025年2月12日 · Here is a picture of the paint chips along with the part number and color designator. Click for a larger view of the paint chips. These handy bottles of paint for hobby use are made from completely safe water-soluable acrylic resins. They can be used on most common model plastics such ...
Tamiya XF-19 81319 Sky Grey 23ml Acrylic New in Bottle
TAM81319 Acrylic XF-19 Sky Gray Tamiya Paint Tamiya Acrylic Paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush or airbrush painting and are completely safe. These paints can be used on styrofoam, wood, and most common model plastics.
- 评论数: 41
Tamiya Paint Database – US Federal Standard Colours
2021年2月6日 · Now it has been restored and more mixes have been added. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the mixes listed, we cannot test them all. That said, we recommend that you test your own small sample before making a batch large enough to paint a 1/24 scale aircraft. If you do find an error in a formula, please contact us.
Amazon.com: Tamiya Xf-19
Acrylic Mini XF-87 IJN Gray Maizuru Arsenal 10ml TAM81787 Plastics Paint Acrylic
Acrylic Xf-19 Sky Gray 23Ml Bottle / Tamiya USA
Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or airbrushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all the common model plastics.
TAMIYA Acrylic XF19 Flat Sky Grey TAM81319 Plastics Paint …
"Tamiya acrylic paint is the best. The choices they have to match military colors for my models are great...." Read more
- 评论数: 282
Tamiya Acrylic XF-19 Sky Gray 23ml Bottle [TAM81319] Motion RC
Acrylic XF-19 Sky Gray 23ml Bottle from Tamiya - TAM81319 Tamiya acrylic paints are made from water-soluble acrylic resins and are excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics.
タミヤカラー XF-19 スカイグレイ | タミヤ - TAMIYA
容量はたっぷり入った23mlビンと使いやすい10ml入りでビン(アクリル塗料ミニ)の2種類。 筆塗り、吹きつけ用のつや消し塗料です。 エナメルカラーの特長はムラの出にくさ。 ゆっくり乾燥するので塗料が平均して広がり、表面もなめらかになります。 また、金属色の質感も魅力です。 使いやすい10ml入り. *表示されている色はWeb表示用の近似色です。 実際の塗装色とは異なる場合があります。 TAMIYA AMERICA, INC. COPYRIGHT ©TAMIYA,INC.ALL RIGHTS …
Tamiya XF-19 Flat Sky Grey Acrylic Paint (23ml) [TAM81319]
This Tamiya 23ml XF-19 Flat Sky Grey Acrylic Paint is made from water-soluble acrylic resins and is excellent for either brush painting or air-brushing. These paints can be used on styrene resins, Styrofoam, wood, plus all of the common model plastics. The paint covers well, flows smoothly and can be blended easily.