Panzer 38 (t) - Wikipedia
The Aufklärungspanzer 38(t) (designation Sd.Kfz.140/1) was a reconnaissance vehicle based on a 38(t) tank fitted with a Hängelafette open-topped turret with mesh covers (20 mm KwK 38 L/55 gun and a coaxial MG 42 – adapted from the Sd.Kfz. 222 armoured car); a support version armed with a 75 mm KwK 37 L/24 (and MG 42) gun mounted in the ...
LT-38轻型坦克 - 百度百科
LT-38坦克的战斗全重为9.4吨,乘员4人,主要武器为斯柯达兵工厂制造的37mm 反坦克炮,可发射穿甲弹和榴弹。 弹药基数和LT-35一样,都是72发;LT-38坦克和LT-35坦克的主要不同点在推进系统上。 LT-38坦克上采用的是6缸水冷汽油机,其气缸容积7.15L (LT-35坦克上汽油机的为8.5L),最大功率为125hp (91.9kW)。 变速箱有5个前进档和1个倒档。 行动部分采用平衡悬挂装置,弹性元件是半椭圆形片状弹簧,每侧有4个大直径负重轮,主动轮在前,诱导轮在后,另有 …
Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Ausf.A - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年12月5日 · While the Panzer 38(t) was a quite good tank in the early years of the war, by 1942, due to its weak armor and armament, its days as a front line combat tank were at an end. It proved to be no match for the newer Soviet T-34 and KV series tanks .
38(t)轻型坦克各个型号 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月17日 · 38(t)E型坦克于1940年12月开始生产,至1941年5月为止制造了275辆。 该型坦克加装了车体正面及炮塔上的附加装甲,使之增厚为50毫米,车体侧面装甲则加厚至30毫米,而炮塔及驾驶座前方整体式钢板上铆钉数量的减少是可供辨认的特征。
【坦克历史】梳理50+子型号38(t)系列坦克 - 知乎
2023年10月26日 · 1937年,秘鲁在LTL的几个方案中挑选了一种,被称为LTP(P=Peru),秘鲁则称其为Tanque 39,它搭载与LT.Vz.35相同的斯柯达37mm A3坦克炮。 少量先交付的LTP坦克在38年7月在首都利马的苦迭打(coup d’etat)中参与了镇暴,在39年3月所有24辆坦克交付 ,捷克还派遣了顾问到秘鲁,装备了这些坦克的一个装甲连参与了41年7月的秘鲁-厄瓜多尔战争。 51年时候秘鲁军政府还想着找捷克弄下售后服务,要再买个20辆新款LTP坦克,质量要求也不高:装 …
T-38两栖侦察坦克 - 百度百科
Panzer 38 (t) - WW2 Weapons
German ex-Czech light tank PzKpfw 38 (t). History, development, service, specifications, pictures and 3D model. The Panzer 38 (t) was, in fact, the Czech LT Vz 38 which was produced for the Wehrmacht after the annexation of the Czechoslovakian provinces of …
Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) - tank-afv.com
The Panzer 38(t) was a German light tank of WW2 manufactured in occupied Czech Republic, at Skoda works. It was filling Panzerdvisions from the campaign of Poland to Operations Barabrossa in the summer of 1941 but after 1943 was hopelesely outmatched Skoda started to produce the Hezter tank hunter on its chassis.
From Captured Design to Versatile Legacy: The Panzer 38(t) and Its ...
The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t), often referred to simply as the Panzer 38(t), was a remarkable and versatile tank that played a pivotal role in the early stages of World War II. While its combat performance was notable in its own right, it is equally significant for its role as a platform for various other military vehicles.
Panzer 38(t) - HistoryNet
2015年11月23日 · When Generalmajor Erwin Rommel led the 7th Panzer Division into France on May 10, 1940, 99 of his tanks were Panzer 38(t)s, including eight command versions. Soon realizing the light tank was ineffective against stout French armor, Rommel relied on its speed and mobility to forge ahead, instead using his 88mm anti-aircraft batteries to deal ...