Cat Tarot: 78 Cards & Guidebook (-) - amazon.com
2019年4月2日 · This entertaining modern twist to the classic tarot combines authenticity with a feline sense of humor in a complete deck for experienced and new readers alike, including 78 tarot cards and a guidebook on how to get the most out of the cat's wisdom.
骰子小占卜的誕生是因為當初貓還不會塔羅牌時,半夜在網路上抽牌,就算要付費都不知道找誰來幫我解牌,學會塔羅牌後,貓就一直在想有什麼方法可以讓人在半夜胡思亂想時,有事情可以做? XD 應該說,可以讓大家免費又即時的算一些簡單的問題,又希望可以有一定的準度,骰子小占卜就焉然而生啦~目前骰子占卜累積了一些基本問題,還有很多無聊雜七雜八的問題XD 歡迎大家快來玩哦~! 目前最新小占卜: ★塔羅貓骰子小占卜★:有人偷偷在喜歡我嗎? ★塔羅貓骰子小占 …
塔羅貓,古埃及靈氣SSR,All-Love,Mindfulness 正念療法,Imagery 視覺心像,Angel,Tarot
Wyspell Cat Tarot Cards: A 78-Card Cat Tarot Deck with …
UNIQUE TAROT DECK: A magical tarot cards set blending timeless original tarot cards wisdom with the whimsical world of cats. Each card features a different cat, perfectly capturing the essence of the classic character. HIGH-QUALITY TAROT DECKS: Each set includes 78 beautifully illustrated tarot cards with guide book.
Medieval Cat Tarot Deck
Medieval Cat Tarot celebrates the glory of felines with Renaissance flair. This ornate deck blends classical and contemporary ideologies and art into an aristocratic deck with a humorous twist. …
Best Cat Tarot Decks - Aeclectic
The Cat Tarot is a charming and well-executed 78 card deck, based on observations of feline behaviour familiar to most cat owners (Death is a vacuum cleaner). It's a warm, light-hearted set for tarot lovers and cat lovers alike.
猫人塔罗牌 Tarot of the Cat People | 中国塔罗牌博物馆 | 中国塔罗 …
每张卡片都描绘了一个穿着华丽礼服、戴着精美珠宝和头饰的迷人人物的全身肖像。 猫无处不在,增强了对牌组的理解。
Cat Tarot (78 cards + guidebook) – Cat on the Corner
This entertaining modern twist to the classic tarot combines authenticity with a feline sense of humor in a complete deck for experienced and new readers alike, including 78 tarot cards and a guidebook on how to get the most out of the cat's wisdom. Designed by …
【CAT TAROT - 貓咪塔羅】系列 - 初探 | 毛怪的沙龍
Cat Tarot 是一套充滿趣味且充滿靈性的塔羅牌,它既保留了傳統塔羅牌的結構,又以貓咪的獨特形象重新演繹了每張牌的象徵意義。 每一張牌都充滿了貓的個性,從牠們的優雅神秘,到狡黠淘氣,這讓整個占卜過程變得更加輕鬆且富有想像力。 如果你是貓咪愛好者,或者想透過一個充滿幽默感的方式來探索靈性世界,那麼這套牌非常推薦收藏。 作者:Megan Lynn Kott 是一位插畫家和藝術家,專門創作與貓相關的藝術作品。 她的作品風格獨特,充滿幽默感與對貓咪的愛。 占卜 …