重大突破!超快TEM看见皮秒级相变过程! - 知乎专栏
哥廷根大学第四物理研究所Claus Ropers(通讯作者)等人在Science发表最新进展“Ultrafast nanoimaging of the order parameter in a structural phase transition”,在这项工作中,作者展示了电荷密度波 (charge density wave, CDW)相的纳米空间和飞秒时间分辨率的实空间成像。 通过引入一个定制的超快暗场 (DF)电子显微镜方案,获得了一个典型CDW系统的序参量映射。 从而观察了光激发后CDW畴的形成、稳定和弛豫,并发现了连续波和脉冲照明下出现的畴型之间的巨大 …
Photocatalytic activity of twist-angle stacked 2D TaS2 | npj 2D ...
2021年7月22日 · External light irradiation on the TaS 2 surface influences its conductivity making the material feasible for photoelectrocatalysis and photodetection. The TaS 2 -based photoelectrocatalyst...
TEM/STEM characterizations of 1T-TaS 2 nanosheets
The transition hysteresis loops due to temperature-dependent resistance changes of 1T-TaS2 can be used for memory devices and oscillators, making 1T-TaS2 a promising material for various ...
Robust charge-density wave strengthened by electron ... - Nature
2021年10月7日 · Here we report a strong-coupling 2D CDW-Mott phase with a transition temperature onset of ~530 K in monolayer 1T-TaSe 2. Furthermore, the electron correlation derived lower Hubbard band survives...
透射电子显微镜 (TEM)表征显示样品的晶体质量与机械剥离样品可比。 与此同时,他们也选用常压CVD (APCVD)的生长方法,在金箔上可控制备了层数可调的高质量2H-TaS 2 纳米片。 基于温度依赖的Raman光谱表征结果,确定了不同厚度下2H-TaS 2 的电荷密度波从公度到近公度的相转变温度,进而绘制出了电荷密度波相变温度随层数变化的相图。...
Constructing 1 T-2 H TaS2 nanosheets with architecture and …
2023年2月15日 · The morphological characteristics of various TaS 2 nanosheets was monitored and supported by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) analysis in detail.
TEM images of TaS 2 nanoplatelets produced at different laser …
Tantalum disulfide (TaS2) nanoplatelets were produced by laser ablation of a TaS2 target under an argon atmosphere. The nanoplatelet dimensions and morphology were...
TaS2, TaSe2, and Their Heterogeneous Films as Catalysts for …
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were acquired with a JEM 1011 (JEOL) TEM (thermionic W filament) operating at 100 kV. ImageJ software (NIH) and OriginPro 9.1 software (OriginLab) were used to perform the morphological and statistical analyses, respectively.
The cross-section high-resolution TEM images of TaS2(CTA
Here we report the electrochemical intercalation of cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA⁺) into 2H–TaS2. The single layer TaS2 is interca... This research deals with the role of shopping patterns in...
强关联二维材料1T—TaS2晶体 | 材料 - LMLPHP
我校物理系张远波教授课题组通过一种新的实验方法——可控电荷插层,实现了对强关联二维材料1T—TaS2晶体相变的全面研究。 1月26日,相关研究论文Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS2(二硫化钽薄层中的可控相变)发表于Nature子刊Nature Nanotechnology(《自然•纳米技术》)。 论文第一和第二作者分别为复旦大学物理系2012级博士生於逸骏和2011级博士生杨昉原。 该课题组一年内在纳米技术领域国际顶尖学术期刊Nature Nanotechnology发出两 …
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