Trans-acting siRNA - Wikipedia
Trans-acting siRNA (abbreviated "ta-siRNA" or "tasiRNA") are a class of small interfering RNA (siRNA) that repress gene expression through post-transcriptional gene silencing in land plants.
ta-siRNA - 百度百科
反式作用 干扰小RNA (ta-siRNAs)是由miRNA介导生成、长度为21个碱基的小RNA。 ta-siRNA的产生需要由miRNA的剪切引发,之后通过 siRNA 途径形成。 ta-siRNA来自于TAS基因的转录本,通过特异的miRNA引导的切割产生21nt的ta-siRNA,miRNA引导的切割在ta-siRNA的生成 …
Phased small RNA–mediated systemic signaling in plants
2022年6月24日 · We show that two phased 21–nucleotide (nt) trans-acting small interfering RNA3a RNAs (tasi-RNA) derived from TAS3a and synthesized within 3 hours of pathogen infection are the early mobile signal in SAR. TAS3a undergoes alternate polyadenylation, resulting in the generation of 555- and 367-nt transcripts.
反式作用干擾小RNA - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
反式作用干擾小RNA(Trans-acting siRNA,簡稱tasiRNA)是陸生植物的一類小干擾RNA(siRNA),可進行RNA干擾,抑制其他基因的表現 [1] [2] [3] 。
细胞质拟南芥 AGO7 在膜相关 siRNA 体内积累,是 ... - X-MOL
Formation of trans-acting small interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) from the TAS3 precursor is triggered by the AGO7/miR390 complex, which primes TAS3 for conversion into double-stranded RNA by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase RDR6 and SGS3. These ta-siRNAs control several aspects of plant development.
tasiRNAdb: a database of ta-siRNA regulatory pathways
2014年4月1日 · With 583 pathways from 18 species, tasiRNAdb is the largest resource for known ta-siRNA regulatory pathways currently available. tasiRNAdb also provides a tool named TasExpAnalysis that was developed to map user-submitted small RNA and degradome libraries to a stored/input TAS and to perform sRNA phasing analysis and TAS cleavage analysis.
tasiRNA-ARF pathway moderates floral architecture in ... - PubMed
In plants, miRNAs and siRNAs, such as transacting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs), affect their targets through distinct regulatory mechanisms. In this study, the expression profiles of small RNAs (smRNAs) in Arabidopsis plants subjected to drought, cold, and high-salinity stress were analyzed using 454 DNA sequencing technology.
Phased small RNA-mediated systemic signaling in plants
2022年6月24日 · We show that two phased 21-nucleotide (nt) trans-acting small interfering RNA3a RNAs (tasi-RNA) derived from TAS3a and synthesized within 3 hours of pathogen infection are the early mobile signal in SAR. TAS3a undergoes alternate polyadenylation, resulting in the generation of 555- and 367-nt transcripts.
Trans-Acting siRNA - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Trans-acting siRNAs (tasiRNA) are a family of phasiRNA derived from TAS locus and are reported in plant development (Ding et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020). miR390-AGO7 target transcript mediate the generation of TAS3 tasiRNA which targets ARF family to regulate flower architecture, somatic embryogenesis, vegetative to reproductive phase ...
夏老师在Plant Cell发文解析植物中高度保守的小RNA调控途径
2017年4月24日 · miR390是植物中非常保守的miRNA之一 ,它通过作用在TAS3(trans-acting siRNA gene)上诱导产生21个碱基长的tasiRNA(trans-acting siRNA),从而靶向ARF(Auxin Responsive Factor)基因。...
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