TATMobileUI - YouTube
Our products, TAT Cascades™ and TAT Motion Lab™, built on the renowned TAT Kastor™ platform, has transformed the way UI design and graphics can be implemented on a wide …
- TAT | UX•UI Designer
I’m a UX/UI designer driven by unwavering passion for learning and exploration, especially when it comes to understanding human behavior. My goal is to make technology easy and enjoyable …
TAT UI prototypes - YouTube
Prototypes and concept demos, showing TAT's vision for user interfaces. Some prototypes have been implemented using TAT Cascades together with other components
Taro UI | O2Team
A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Nerv
TDesign - 开源的企业级设计体系,为设计师 & 开发者,打造工作 …
TDesign 是腾讯开源的企业级设计体系,提供了统一价值观,一致的设计语言和视觉风格,和开箱即用的 UI 组件库。 致力于为设计师 & 开发者,打造工作美学。
TAT UI - XDA Forums
2010年2月15日 · Here is some stuff from an email reply I got from TAT. We are currently in alfa and expect to reach beta in a couple of weeks. starting with specific Android versions and …
tat-ui - GitHub
tat-ui Follow. Overview Repositories 0 Projects 0 Packages 0 Stars 0. tat-ui. Follow. tat-ui Follow. Joined Jan 23, 2025; Block or Report. Block or report tat-ui Block user. Prevent this user from …
bytedance/UI-TARS - GitHub
UI-TARS is a next-generation native GUI agent model designed to interact seamlessly with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using human-like perception, reasoning, and action capabilities.
Jess Tat
Jess Tat is a multi-disciplinary designer based in Toronto.
Synaptics 通过 TAT UI 展示真正的全触控手机设计 - MSPoweruser
2009年12月14日 · Synaptics 今天推出了 Fuse™,这是一种协作手机概念,展示了手机用户交互的未来。 Fuse 概念手机首次集成了多种界面技术——包括多点触控电容感应、触觉反馈、3 …