TAT-4 - Wikipedia
TAT-4 was the fourth transatlantic telephone cable, in operation from 1965 to 1987. It operated at 384 kHz, initially carrying 128 telephone circuits between Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, (France) and Tuckerton, New Jersey (United States).
Thematic Apperception Test - Wikipedia
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective psychological test developed during the 1930s by Henry A. Murray and Christiana D. Morgan at Harvard University.
TAT-4 (TAT-4) - _专利_临床_研发 - synapse.zhihuiya.com
TAT-4,由Topokine Therapeutics, Inc. (Topokine Therapeutics, Inc.)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为无进展,治疗领域: 其他疾病,内分泌与代谢疾病,皮肤和肌肉骨骼疾病。
2023年7月25日 · 日本血栓止血学会的学术标准化委员会《纤溶优势型DIC的病态诊断指南(2006年)》中,将“TAT≥20μg/L且PIC≥10μg/mL”作为诊断必要条件。 即使是血小板计数<120×109μg/mL的感染性疾病患者(仍存在血小板消耗性减少),如TAT<7ng/mL,提示发 …
TAT-4 - Wikiwand
TAT-4 was the fourth transatlantic telephone cable, in operation from 1965 to 1987. It operated at 384 kHz, initially carrying 128 telephone circuits between Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, (France) and Tuckerton, New Jersey. It was co-owned by AT&T and France Telecom.
TAT 4 - AdisInsight
AbbVie (previously Allergan) is developing TAT 4 gel as a topical filler, or volume enhancer, to reduce nasolabial folds, commonly known as laugh lines, and
TAT-4 - Drug Targets, Indications, Patents - Synapse
TAT-4, Initially developed by Topokine Therapeutics, Inc., Now, its global highest R&D status is Pending, Therapeutic Areas: Other Diseases,Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease,Skin and Musculoskeletal Diseases.
多肽定制合成:TAT-HA2 Fusion Peptide(923954-79-4)
TAT-HA2 Fusion Peptide作为一种基于肽的递送剂,在生物医学研究中具有广泛的应用。 它结合了来自Influenza的pH敏感HA2融合肽和来自HIV的细胞穿透肽TAT,因此具有独特的细胞穿透能力和内体释放特性。
tat脱敏注射法分4次注射吗 - 百度
2024年8月20日 · TAT(破伤风抗毒素)脱敏注射法是将所需剂量的TAT分次少量注入体内,以逐渐消耗体内的特异性IgE,从而达到脱敏的目的。 具体方法是用生理盐水将TAT稀释10倍,分4次注射,每次注射间隔20分钟。 第一次注射0.1ml稀释液(含TAT0.1IU),观察有无过敏反应,如无过敏反应,则进行第二次注射,剂量为0.2ml(含TAT0.2IU),以此类推,第三次注射0.3ml(含TAT0.3IU),第四次注射余量(通常为0.4ml,含TAT0.4IU)。 采用这种脱敏注射法的原因 …
Tit for Tat 4 - 04 by FirstEd on Newgrounds
2025年1月24日 · Well, with the appearance here of Hawkmoth (and I must say that you draw him excellently) that means that now in any future comic or miraculous ladybug project that you have you can include him, because Hawkmoth and akumas in general have A LOT of potential for porn comics and stories, because Tit for Tat is an EXCELLENT EXAMPLE of that, the ...
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