鞑靼人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
韃 dá 靼 dá 人 (韃靼語: татарлар, 羅馬化:tatarlar 、英語: Tatars 、俄语: татары, 羅馬化: tatary),或 音译 达 怛 dá 、 达旦 、 达打 、 达达 、 达靼 等,源自 突厥人 對 蒙古草原 東部部族的稱呼,具體指代時處於 契丹 北方的 柔然 後裔或相關 蒙古語諸部 的一個身份術語,後含義延括至以 蒙古族 為其一族源的諸族羣,成為外界對 歐亞大草原 一系列遊牧民族的統稱,如 克烈 、 塔塔兒 、 弘吉剌 、 篾兒乞 、 斡亦剌 、 吉利吉思 、 乃蠻 、 汪古 等。 [34]
Volga Tatars in Iran Being Turkmenified - Jamestown
2016年6月20日 · Turkmen-language publications currently exist in Iran, and many of them contain stories about the Volga Tatars in Iran and in their homeland. But so far, according to Sarly, the Volga Tatars of Iran do not have their own publications or public associations, preferring instead to participate in those of the Turkmens, who are estimated to number ...
‘In Iran the Tatars are being turkmenized. Most part of Tatars …
2016年6月3日 · In Iran, the process of 'turkmenization' of the Tatars continues. And most part of Tatars have lost their national identity, having dissolved in the Turkmen environment. Although a hundred years ago, the Tatars felt themselves as a separate nation.
‘Nobody knows real numbers’: 6m Tatars in Iran, Pakistan and ...
2023年1月17日 · There are a large number of Tatars in the northern provinces of Iran. But they, to some extent, have already lost their identity, too, they have been turkmenised.” According to Azat Akhunov, he communicated with Tatars from Iran, and they speak the Tatar language.
Tatars - Wikipedia
Share of Tatars in regions of Russia, 2010 census "Tatar" [b] (/ ˈ t ɑː t ər z / TAH-tərz) [32] is an umbrella term for different Turkic ethnic groups bearing the name "Tatar" across Eastern Europe and Asia. [33]Initially, the ethnonym Tatar possibly referred to the Tatar confederation.That confederation was eventually incorporated into the Mongol Empire when Genghis Khan unified the ...
Tatar - Wikipedia
Goenda Tatar (lit. 'Detective Goenda'), a fictional Indian detective.
Tat people (Caucasus) - Wikipedia
The Tat people or Transcaucasian Persians (also: Tat, Parsi, Daghli, Lohijon) are an Iranian people presently living within Azerbaijan and Russia (mainly Southern Dagestan). The Tats are part of the indigenous peoples of Iranian origin in the Caucasus. [3][4][5]
韃靼人 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
歷史而言,韃靼人Tatars (或Tartars) 可以指代任一個始源於北亞及中亞、後被歐洲繪制圖師描述作韃靼利亞這一廣袤地域的族羣,而這一地區也可以和蒙古帝國自身畫上等號。
Mongols, Tatars, and Turks in the Persianate World
Celebrating the scholarly legacy of István Vásáry, the volume discusses the interaction of Turkic and Mongol pastoral societies with sedentary Islamic cultures in Iran and Central Asia, as well as the development of the resultant Turko-Persian culture in the medieval and early modern periods.
Art collective Slavs and Tatars’ first exhibition in Iran (Photos)
2017年5月7日 · “Nose to Nose” will run from May 5 to July 14 featuring publications, lecture-performances and exhibitions at Pejman Foundation’s newly opened Argo Factory in downtown Tehran. The installation look…