GitHub - uba/tathu: TATHU is a Python package for tracking and ...
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of Convective Systems (CS). The package provides a modular and extensible structure, supports different types of geospatial data and proposes the use of Geoinformatics techniques and spatial databases in order to aid in the analysis and computational representation of the CS.
TATHU - Tracking and Analysis of Thunderstorms — TATHU
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of Convective Systems (CS). The package provides a modular and extensible structure, supports different types of geospatial data and proposes the use of Geoinformatics techniques and spatial databases in order to aid in the analysis and computational representation of the CS.
Usage — TATHU - Read the Docs
TATHU package provides specific modules for downloading, reading and remapping data obtained from the GOES-16 satellite - tathu.downloader.goes and tathu.satellite.goes16. The data is downloaded directly from the AWS public service.
TATHU Package Subpackages . tathu.geometry package. Submodules; tathu.geometry.constants module; tathu.geometry.envelope module
GOES ABI-derived hailstorm polygons and tracking dataset for Brazil
Aug 1, 2024 · This paper describes a dataset of convective systems (CSs) associated with hailstorms over Brazil tracked using GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) measurements and the Tracking and Analysis of Thunderstorms (TATHU) tool. The dataset spans from June 5, 2018, to September 30, 2023, providing five-year period of storm activity.
tathu/examples/gallery/plot_goes13-downloader.py at master
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of convective systems. - uba/tathu
thathu (@tathu_.x) • Instagram photos and videos
186 Followers, 148 Following, 1 Posts - thathu (@tathu_.x) on Instagram: "ᴀ ꜰ 16ᴄʜᴇᴇʀᴢᴢ ᴀᴩʀʟ2& "
Tathu - AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki
Tathu is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds. When the Dragons of Lore have heard about a contest to see who will win the Dragon Crown and become the King of All Dragons, the Wind Dragons sent their representative Tathu to fight for the Dragon Crown. As they are The Eternal Dragon of Time, the...
t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said (Official Music Video)
REMASTERED IN HD!Music video by t.A.T.u. performing All The Things She Said. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 5,405,015. (C) 2002 Universal Music Russia#tATu #A...
ロシアのタトゥー2人が明かしたドタキャンの真相 タモリさん「 …
Nov 15, 2021 · タトゥーは人気絶頂だった2003年6月、初めて来日した。 そのとき出演したのが「ミュージックステーション」だった。 彼女たちはそこで衝撃的な「事件」を起こすことになる。 番組冒頭で姿を見せていた2人は、いざ歌う順番が回ってきたときにはこつ然と姿を消してしまった。 生放送中に起きた前代未聞の「ドタキャン」劇で、タモリさんが「忘れられない」というのも当然だ。...