Tatra K2 - Wikipedia
The Tatra K2 was the first production articulated tramcar built by ČKD Tatra between 1966 and 1983, following the failure of the experimental prototypes K1 which never entered production.
Tatra K2 - Tramwaj Wiki
Tatra K2 - sign of tram produced from 1966 to 1983 in ČKD in Prague. The construction of the tram is derived directly from the Tatra T3, and this is actually his articulated, two-section …
Tatra K2 - Wikipedie
Tatra K2 je dvoučlánková tramvaj, která byla vyráběna v letech 1967 (prototypy v roce 1966) až 1983 v podniku ČKD Praha, závod Tatra Smíchov a která byla odvozena od standardního …
Tatra K2
The Tatra K2 was the first production articulatedtramcar built by ČKD Tatra between 1966 and 1983, following the failure of the experimental K1 which never entered production. It was noted …
Tatra K2P - Wikipedie
Tatra K2P (též Tatra K2R.P) je dvoučlánková kloubová tramvaj, která vznikla modernizací československé tramvaje Tatra K2 v počtu 25 kusů. Rekonstrukce probíhaly mezi lety 2000 a …
Tatra K2 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Tatra K2 – dwuczłonowy tramwaj wytwarzany od 1966 r. (prototyp w tym samym r.) do 1983 r. w zakładach ČKD w Pradze, którego konstrukcja opiera się na jednoczłonowym tramwaju Tatra …
Category : Tatra K2 - Wikimedia
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 19 total. The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
Tatra K2 - Wikiwand
The Tatra K2 was the first production articulated tramcar built by ČKD Tatra between 1966 and 1983, following the failure of the experimental prototypes K1 which never entered production.
Tatra K2 – Wikipedija
Tatra K2 je dvodijelni tramvaj, koji se proizvodio od 1966. do 1983. godine (prototip 1966. godine) u tvornici ČKD. Tramvaj je odvojen od tipa Tatra T3 zbog toga što ima dva dijela. Proizvedeno …
Tatra K2 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月10日 · The Tatra K2 was the first production articulated tramcar built by KD Tatra between 1966 and 1983, following the failure of the experimental K1 which never entered …