Tatra T2 - Wikipedia
T2 is the name of a tramcar, produced by Tatra. The tramcar was produced between 1955 and 1962, and a total of 771 cars were produced. The very first T2 prototypes were tested as …
Tatra T2 – Wikipedie
Tatra T2 (původně T II) je typ československé tramvaje vyráběné podniky Tatra Smíchov a ČKD Stalingrad v letech 1955–1962. Ve výrobě byl nahrazen typem Tatra T3. Poslední …
Restored Prague-to-Pebble 1968 Tatra T-2 603 - Bring a Trailer
2014年10月1日 · This 1968 Tatra T-2 603 spent its entire life until very recently in Prague, having originally belonged to the state railway. Completely restored ten years ago, the Czech …
1968 Tatra T2-603 (LHD) For Sale By Auction - Car and Classic
Presented in good condition throughout and having spent much of its life in a dehumidified garage, this Tatra has been used by its current owners for domestic and continental touring, …
Tatra T2 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Tatra T2 – typ tramwaju wytwarzanego w latach 1955–1962 w zakładach ČKD w Pradze w Republice Czechosłowackiej (dziś Czechy). Konstruktorami nadwozia tramwaju T2 byli V. …
Tatra T2 – Wikipédia
Tatra T2 (pôvodným pravopisom TII) je typ česko-slovenskej električky vyrábanej podnikmi Tatra Smíchov a ČKD Stalingrad v rokoch 1955 – 1962. Vo výrobe bol nahradený modernejším …
太脱拉T2 |信息、解释、历史事实|信息百科
塔特拉 t2 – 1955 年至 1962 年间在捷克斯洛伐克布拉格的 Čkd 工厂生产的一种有轨电车。 建造. t2有轨电车以t1型电车为基础,采用pcc理念设计。该车为单向、单节车辆,配有两个双轴转 …
The past on wheels: Moscow's old public transport (PHOTOS)
It was the beginning of a new era in the history of Moscow trams. It was much more convenient than any other Soviet model: the driver had a comfortable seat and the carriage was equipped …
Tatra T2 – Wikipedia
Tatra T2 ist die Typenbezeichnung für einen Straßenbahnwagen des Herstellers Vagonka Tatra Smíchov, der nach dem amerikanischen PCC-System konstruiert wurde. Insgesamt wurden …
Category:Tatra T2 - Wikimedia Commons
2018年6月29日 · Pages in category "Tatra T2" This category contains only the following page.