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The Black Jewels Network – Names in Gold
theblackjewelsnetwork.com is a global media company, focusing on blacks’ socio-economic activities - business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, people, and culture. TBJN celebrates the black folks, race, and culture! The world has always witnessed great leaders, treasured people, and visionary change agents – The Jewels.
TBN - YouTube
Welcome to the TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) YouTube Channel! On this channel you’ll find daily uploads of the best of TBN's Christ-centered teachings, ...
天不假年的意思,天不假年的出处、用法、接龙 - 汉语查
成语拼音 tiān bù jiǎ nián. 成语注音 ㄊ一ㄢ ㄅㄨˋ ㄐ一ㄚˇ ㄋ一ㄢˊ. 成语简拼 TBJN. 成语解释 假:给予。 天公不给以寿命。 指寿命不长。 成语出处 清·平步青《霞外裙屑》卷六:“予以先生此考,为一生心力所瘁,成以行世,足为读史者一助,惜 天不假年,积四十六年之岁月,仅成全史三之一。 成语繁体 天不叚年. 反义成语 长命百岁 、 天假其年. 感情色彩 天不假年是中性词。 成语用法 作宾语;指寿命不长。 成语造句 丹晨《追念小钰》:“然而天不假年,他们却走得最早。 ” 更 …
天不假年,天不假年的意思,近義詞,例句,用法,出處 | 台灣成語網
【成語用法】:天不假年,作賓語;指壽命不長。 【英語翻譯】:God doesn't give one a life long enough to accomplish one's task. 【成語例句】:丹晨《追念小鈺》:「然而天不假年,他們卻走得最早。 輕輕易易. 不識一丁. 路柳牆花. 千金市骨. 八抬大轎. 拜把兄弟. 鴻運當頭. 戶限為穿. 硬著頭皮. 鴻門宴. 版權聲明: 本站原創文章,於8年前,由 admin 發表,共 302字。 撥亂濟危. 八面威風. 不癡不聾. 八百孤寒. 徒費唇舌 下一篇. 通邑大都.
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天不假年_成语「天不假年」什么意思_天不假年 解释及出处 - 国学 …
成语:天不假年 【成语】:天不假年 【拼音】:tiān bù jiǎ nián 【简拼】:tbjn 【解释】:假:给予。 天公不给以寿命。 指寿命不长。
TBJN Publications - Magazines – The Black Jewels Network
This year's theme for Black History Month, 'Black Resistance', takes a look at how African Americans have fought repression from America's earliest days. From escaping the plantation, to the rise out of poverty and the struggle for equal housing and education, to the struggle for voting rights, the resistance lives on even into the 21st century.
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