TBX4 Gene - GeneCards | TBX4 Protein | TBX4 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TBX4 (T-Box Transcription Factor 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TBX4 include Ischiocoxopodopatellar Syndrome With Or Without Pulmonary …
TBX4 - Wikipedia
Tbx4 is specifically expressed in the visceral mesoderm of the lung primordium and governs multiple processes during respiratory tract development such as initial endodermal bud …
TBX4 variants and pulmonary diseases: getting out of the 'Box'
The clinical phenotype of a TBX4 variant has recently been recognised to expand from bone disorders to different types of lung diseases. Recent data suggest that variants of TBX4, a …
TBX4Life - TBX4 syndrome, rare variant (mutation)
TBX4Life - Global initiative to foster research for a cure for those affected by TBX4 Syndrome - genetic disorder causing Pulmonary Hypertension, chILD and skeletal issues
First Genotype–Phenotype Study in TBX4 Syndrome: Gain-of …
TBX4 (T-BOX transcription factor 4) is the second most common gene culprit for development of pulmonary arterial hypertension, especially in pediatric-onset cases. A growing body of …
Molecular Function and Contribution of TBX4 in Development …
Here, we discuss the developmental, tissue-specific, and pathological TBX4 functions identified through human and animal studies and review the published TBX4 variants resulting in …
Understanding Genotype–Phenotype Correlations in Patients with TBX4 …
Mutations of TBX4 (T-Box transcription factor 4 gene) on chromosome17q23.2 are associated with idiopathic and heritable PAH (4, 5) and small patellar syndrome (SPS) (6), underscoring …
JCI - Transcription factor TBX4 regulates myofibroblast …
2016年7月11日 · Here, we employed in vivo lineage tracing and real-time gene expression transgenic reporting methods to analyze the early embryonic transcription factor T-box gene 4 …
T 盒转录因子 4(TBX4)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
This gene is the human homolog of mouse Tbx4, which is closely linked to Tbx2 on mouse chromosome 11. Similarly this gene, like TBX2, maps to human chromosome 17. Expression …
The T-box genes Tbx4 and Tbx5 regulate limb outgrowth and identity …
1999年4月29日 · Here we show that Tbx4 and Tbx5 are essential regulators of limb outgrowth whose roles seem to be tightly linked to the activity of three signalling proteins that are …