Antibody-mediated rejection: prevention, monitoring and …
Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) has emerged as the leading cause of late graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. Donor-specific antibodies are an independent risk factor for AMR and graft loss.
肾移植后期抗体介导排斥反应防治专家共识 - 中华医学杂志
中国肾脏移植免疫监测临床诊疗指南(2023版) - 中华器官移植杂志
T细胞介导的排斥反应(T cell-mediated rejection, TCMR)的诊治相对容易,而抗体介导的排斥反应(antibody-mediated rejection, AMR)治疗起来则较为困难,花费高且效果欠佳,是导致移植肾失功的重要原因。
Recommended Treatment for Antibody-mediated Rejection …
Treatment of concomitant TCMR is recommended in all cases of AMR but is particularly relevant in these cases. Similar to patients with chronic active AMR in the context of preexisting antibodies, treatment with PLEX, IVIG, and Rituximab is used in some centers, although the …
血管紧张素Ⅱ受体1型抗体介导移植排斥反应研究进展 - 中华器官 …
移植排斥反应包括T细胞介导的排斥反应 (T-cell mediated rejection,TCMR)和抗体介导的排斥反应 (antibody-mediated rejection,AMR)。 AMR主要由针对受者HLA的供者特异性抗体 (donor specific antibody,DSA)所诱发,是影响移植物长期存活、导致移植物失功的关键因素 [1]。
中国肾移植排斥反应临床诊疗指南 (2016 版) - 丁香园
2016年8月22日 · AMR 是导致移植肾急性或慢性失功的重要原因,显著降低移植肾的近期和长期存活率。 相对于 CMR,肾移植术后 AMR 一般是由于受体体内抗供体 HLA 和(或)非 HLA 抗体而导致的。
性TCMR(aTCMR )和慢性活动性TCMR(caTCMR )。本文对TCMR 的基本定义、移植肾Banff 标准中TCMR病理学的研究历程和TCMR 的基本病变及其诊断分级进行综述,旨在为早期识别、诊断和治疗TCMR提供依据,以预防其进展为caTCM
Antibody Mediated Rejection and T-cell Mediated Rejection …
2024年7月10日 · This study investigates the use of NGS to identify gene expression changes and analyse the pathways involved in rejection. An Illumina bulk RNA sequencing on the polyadenylated RNA of 770 kidney biopsies was conducted. Differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) were determined for AMR and TCMR using DESeq2.
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种体液免疫成分参与所致的免疫损伤。随着对TCMR 的有效控制,以及对AMR发病机制及移植肾病理学特征研究的深入,AMR� � 成为排斥反应预防和诊治的核心内容。AMR是导致移植肾急性或慢性失功的重要原因,
Current Therapies in Kidney Transplant Rejection - MDPI
2023年7月27日 · This article provides an overview of the diagnosis, current therapies, and management strategies for acute T-cell-mediated rejection (TCMR) and antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR). TCMR is diagnosed through histological examination of kidney biopsy samples, which reveal the infiltration of mononuclear cells into the allograft tissue.
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