The TDA7396 is a BRIDGE class AB audio power amplifier especially intended for car radio High Power applications. The 2Ω power capability together with the possi-bility to operate either in DIFFERENTIAL INPUT MODE or SINGLE ENDED INPUT MODE makes it suitable for boosters and high end car radio ap-plications.
TDA7396 - Differential input, single BTL output power amplifier …
The TDA7396 is a BRIDGE class AB audio power amplifier especially intended for car radio High Power applications. The 2 power capability together with the possibility to operate either in DIFFERENTIAL INPUT MODE or SINGLE ENDED INPUT MODE makes it suitable for boosters and high end car radio applications.
TDA7396 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The TDA7396 is a BRIDGE class AB audio power amplifier especially intended for car radio High Power applications. The 2Ω power capability together with the possibility to operate either in DIFFERENTIAL INPUT MODE or SINGLE ENDED INPUT MODE makes it suitable for boosters and high end car radio applications.
E-TDA7396_ST (意法半导体)_E-TDA7396中文资料_PDF手册_价格
E-TDA7396由ST (意法半导体)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 E-TDA7396价格参考¥29.28。 ST (意法半导体) E-TDA7396参数名称:功放类型:AB类功放;扬声器通道数:单声道;输出功率:65Wx1@2Ω;工作电压:8V~18V;工作温度:-40℃~+150℃。 下载E-TDA7396中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有音频功率放大器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及 …
TDA7391 / TDA7396 DIY Guide - 35W / 45W Mono Single Chip …
The TDA7391 is a simple to build amplifier that can deliver impressive power output into both 3.2 ohm and 4 ohm speakers from just a single rail power supply of 12V, and even more power when supplied with up to 18V.
TDA7396参数_音频放大器芯片中文资料_ST Microelectronics - 百 …
TDA7396 ST Microelectronics 音频放大器芯片中文资料PDF, 共(11)页, TDA7396数据手册有芯片封装Multiwatt-11和参数资料, 45W / 2ohm桥汽车收音机与诊断设备放大器 45W/2ohm BRIDGE CAR RADIO AMPLIFIER WITH DIAGNOSTIC FACILITY。
TDA7396,TDA7396 pdf,TDA7396中文资料,TDA7396引脚图,TDA7396 …
TDA7396 DESCRIPTION The TDA7396 is a BRIDGE class AB audio power amplifier especially intended for car radio High Power applications. The 2Ω power capability together with the possibility to operate either in DIFFERENTIAL INPUT MODE or SINGLE ENDED INPUT MODE makes it suitable for boosters and high end car radio ap- plications.
TDA7396 STMicroelectronics | Mouser - 贸泽
TDA7396 STMicroelectronics 音频放大器 45W Bridge Amplifier 数据表, 库存, 价格.
TDA7396 - 差分输入单路BTL输出功率放大器,支持片段检测 - 意 …
The TDA7396 is a BRIDGE class AB audio power amplifier especially intended for car radio High Power applications. The 2 power capability together with the possibility to operate either in DIFFERENTIAL INPUT MODE or SINGLE ENDED INPUT MODE makes it suitable for boosters and high end car radio applications.
TDA7396 STMicroelectronics | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 STMicroelectronics 的 TDA7396 – 放大器 IC 1-通道(单声道) AB 类 11-MultiWatt。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
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