About TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
About TeXShop Full-Screen Windows The next new feature may look somewhat strange on a desktop machine with a large monitor, but will immediately make sense if you have a portable. The feature allows windows to be maximized so they fill the entire screen, hiding the menu bar and in some cases the toolbar.
TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
To use TeXShop, you need to learn TeX or LaTeX. The following books are recommended. The first, by the author of LaTeX, is short, and the other three are detailed and comprehensive.
Obtaining TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
TeXShop is a front end to TeX and LaTeX, but when TeXShop typesets, it calls command line programs in an underlying TeX distribution. This distribution must be obtained separately. The TeX distribution contains the actual typesetting programs by Knuth and others, various fonts used by TeX, and a vast array of support style files and other ...
About TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
It has always been true in TeXShop and other programs that you can click the title of a window while holding down the control or apple key and see a complete path to your document, listed as a series of entries in a drop down menu.
TeXShop - University of Oregon
About TeXShop; Documentation; Original Version of TeXShop; Three TeXShop Versions; Translations
About TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
TeXShop is constructed using object oriented programming and an Apple class library called Cocoa. One of the dreams of object oriented programming is that Apple could enhance the class libraries and then all programs would automatically get …
About TeXShop: - pages.uoregon.edu
TeXShop is a TeX previewer for Mac OS X, written in Cocoa. Since pdf is a native file format on OS X, TeXShop uses "pdftex" and "pdflatex" rather than "tex" and "latex" to typeset in its default configuration; these programs in the standard TeX Live distribution of TeX produce pdf output instead of dvi output.
Three TeXShop Versions - University of Oregon
During the second decade, TeXShop benefited from Apple's solution of the fragile base class problem. It got automatic saving, tab support, and better memory management. Notice Apple's new design for the toolbar.
Brief TeXShop History - pages.uoregon.edu
Developers working with the TeXShop code base may wonder why there are two objects, MyPDFView and MyPDFKitView, in the code. Now they know. The conversion to PDF Kit was the right move because Apple continues to develop PDF Kit and TeXShop then automatically inherits their improvements.
About TeXShop - pages.uoregon.edu
At WWDC I had a portable, and I noticed the TeXShop used virtual scroll bars. Later back home, I ran Lion on a desktop machine and saw legacy scroll bars, so I thought ``Apple changed their mind for the golden master.''