Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope HF5000
Hitachi's unique 200 kV aberration-corrected TEM/STEM: the perfect harmony of imaging resolution and analytical performance 0.078 nm spatial resolution in STEM is achieved together with high specimen-tilt capability and large solid angle EDX detector(s), all in a single objective lens configuration.
球差场发射透射电子显微镜 HF5000 : 日立高新技术在中国
日立高新技术的电场放射型透射电子显微镜hf5000。除了延续扫描透射显微镜“hd-2700”所配备的日立球差校正器、自动校正功能、像差校正sem图像和对称dual sdd术等特点外,还融汇了透射电子显微镜hf系列中所积累的技术。
HF5000 Field-emission Transmission Electron Microscope: High …
Guided by the mission of achieving high sensitivity analyses and high-resolution observation in a 200 kV TEM platform at the sub-angstrom (Å) level, the HF5000 offers a STEM spatial resolution of 78 pm, high sample tilt angles, and large-solid-angle energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) all with a single pole piece.
Hitachi HF 5000 Environmental S/TEM | Nanousers
HF5000 is a field-emission transmission electron microscope (TEM), equipped with a cold field-emission electron gun (CFEG)—with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV—that is designed to achieve high spatial resolution while offering sample tilting and advanced analytical capabilities, three STEM detectors: a bright-field STEM (BF-STEM) detector ...
OVERVIEW: A 300-kV cold FE-TEM, the HF-3300, has been developed by Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation. This TEM has next-generation analytical capabilities and a cold field emission electron source. Available for this TEM is a cold FE …
Hitachi HF5000 原位球差校正透射电子显微镜 – 物质科学原位中心
2022年7月18日 · hf5000独特的tem、stem、sem三位一体功能不仅可以实现对材料内部结构的研究,也可以获得材料表面的信息。 原子级分辨率的二次电子探测器可以弥补TEM和STEM无法观察样品表面的缺陷,同时相比普通的SEM又具有更高的分辨率,可以满足样品表面高分辨形貌和结构 ...
Hitachi HF5000 200kV TEM/STEM- ST Instruments
The Hitachi HF5000 is a unique 200 kV aberration-corrected TEM/STEM: the perfect harmony of imaging resolution and analytical performance. 0.078 nm spatial resolution in STEM is achieved together with high specimen-tilt capability and large solid angle EDX detector(s), all in a single objective lens configuration.
STEM Hitachi HF-5000 - INFRACHIP
2024年6月6日 · The HF-5000 transmission electron microscope from Hitachi is a 200 kV aberration-corrected CFE TEM or STEM that provides a robust combination of atomic-resolution imaging and analysis, along with extensive automation and sophisticated in-situ capabilities.
正确选择透射电镜的不同模式——TEM,HRTEM,HAADF-STEM_百度 …
2024年10月13日 · 本文旨在深入探讨三种透射电镜(tem、hrtem、haadf-stem)的不同模式及其在科研中的应用,通过解析其原理和特点,为科研工作者提供选择适合工具的指导。
TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopes) : Hitachi High-Tech …
A broad range of Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (STEM) suitable for structural and chemical characterizations of nanomaterials, semiconductors, energy technology, polymers, glassy materials, biomolecular mechanisms of disease, 3D-architecture of cells and tissues, viruses, and ...