Purely in-plane ferroelectricity in monolayer SnS at room ... - Nature
2020年5月15日 · Here, we report an in-plane ferroelectric device of a micrometer-size monolayer SnS grown by physical vapor deposition (PVD), where the growth conditions are precisely controlled to balance the...
Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline tin sulfide (SnS ...
2017年12月5日 · In this paper, we present the results of an investigation of the compositional and structural features of nanocrystalline tin sulfide (SnS) decorated with SnO2, which was synthesized in a high-energy ball-milled (HEBM) process. Tin and sulfur powders were used as starting reagents.
Liquid metal-based synthesis of high performance monolayer SnS ... - Nature
2020年7月10日 · Here we report single crystal across-the-plane and large-area monolayer SnS synthesis using a liquid metal-based technique. The characterisations confirm the formation of atomically thin SnS...
2019年2月21日 · Here, a facile template-free hydrothermal reaction followed by an annealing approach has been applied to synthesize 3D SnS 2 @carbon hollow nanospheres (SnS 2 @C). The hollow structure could grant free interior space to accommodate volume expansion and, thus, alleviate mechanical stress.
Nano Res.│东华大学武培怡教授团队:抽丝剥茧寻真相,新型“丝片” …
2022年5月4日 · 东华大学武培怡教授团队程宝昌博士 提出了一种利用KOH/DMSO超碱溶剂体系将脱胶蚕丝纤维可控逐级剥离成丝淤浆 (silk slurry, SSL)、丝微纤维 (silk microfiber, SMF) 和有着良好结晶结构的丝蛋白纳米片层 (silk nanosheet, SNS) 的新方法。其中,获得的丝纳米片层有着比原 …
Phase Stability of the Earth-Abundant Tin Sulfides SnS, SnS
2012年11月5日 · SnS is a potential earth-abundant photovoltaic (PV) material. Employing both theory and expt. to assess the PV relevant properties of SnS, we clarify on whether SnS has an indirect or direct band gap and what is the minority carrier …
TEM and HRTEM images of the SnS 2 nanostructures with …
TEM of the SL-SnS 2 and EL-SnS 2 further confirmed the structural features of the well-defined hexagonal plate and eclipsed (Figures 2c,e and S2b,c), which was also verified by HRTEM (Figure...
n-Ga2O3/p-SnS heterojunction thin-films based ... - ScienceDirect
2022年11月15日 · Herein, we propose and study a novel, eco-friendly sputter-grown p-n heterojunction thin-films device by utilizing n-Ga 2 O 3 and p-SnS for TPVs applications. The Ga 2 O 3 /SnS heterojunction device is tested for the transparent light harvester, and its photovoltaic performance is improved using variation in Ga 2 O 3 layer thickness. All ...
Adv. Mater.报道:液态金属合成原子级SnS层,助力高性能宽频光 …
2020年10月2日 · 半导体硫化锡(SnS)是斜方晶系层状结构中的过渡金属单硫化物家族的代表。 作为p-型半导体,SnS是一种成本低、含量丰富的具有可调带隙的层状材料,在原子级厚度时具有优异的载流子迁移率和大吸收系数的特性,使其对电子和光电子学十分有吸引力。
TEM结果显示 (SnS–SnS2–S)/FLG中的SnS纳米颗粒仍然很好地分散并被FLG基质限制。 循环的(SnS-SnS2-S)/FLG的Sn、S和C元素映射表明大多数活性纳米颗粒仍然均匀分布在FLG基质中。 上述结果验证了纳米空间约束的锂化/脱锂和FLG载体可以有效地适应SnS的体积变化和颗粒聚集,从而保持电极的结构稳定性。 (SnS–SnS2–S)/FLG优异的可循环性可归因于纳米空间限制的锂化/脱锂和FLG支持的结合。 在 (SnS–SnS2–S)/FLG的锂化过程中,Li2S相首先从S的转化中生 …