Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) in retinal pigment ...
In cultures of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, inhibition of Na,K-ATPase by ouabain and K (+) depletion decreased transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and increased...
Transepithelial resistance (TER) of iPSC-derived RPE cells on RPE ...
Transepithelial resistance (TER) of iPSC-derived RPE cells on RPE cell-derived ECM and nitrite-modified RPE cell-derived ECM. Monolayer permeability was assessed by TER in polarized...
Methods for culturing retinal pigment epithelial cells: a review …
TER is used to measure the ion flow across the epithelial layer, increasing with time as a culture develops 7, 50 with a higher TER indicating higher confluence, strong polarization of the RPE …
人诱导的多能干细胞产生视网膜色素上皮细胞的可重复制备及图像 …
人诱导多能干细胞 (hiPSC) 视网膜色素上皮 (RPE)移植是治疗RPE变性(如 年龄相关性黄斑变性)的一种有前景的细胞治疗方法。 然而,目前的RPE替代疗法面临重大挑战。 从hiPSC …
The cell biology of the retinal pigment epithelium
2020年9月1日 · From a developmental perspective, the RPE is a neuroepithelium, derived from the outer layer of the optic cup. Functionally, the RPE acts as a secretory epithelium, a …
TER measurements from adult RPE. As RPE culture grows
Transplantation of stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is considered a viable therapeutic option for age-related macular degeneration (AMD)....
α2 but Not α1 AMP-activated Protein Kinase Mediates Oxidative …
Oxidative stress causes retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell dysfunction and is a major risk factor leading to the development of dry-type age-related macular degeneration. Taking …
Regulation of RPE Intercellular Junction Integrity and Function …
Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells function, in part, to provide a permeability barrier between retina and choroid and to enable vectorial transport between these layers. 1 Their highly …
The Research of Guinea Pig Myopia Model and the TER Value of …
Object:Research the guinea pig myopia model induced by concave spherical lens, observe the transepithelial electrical resistance of cultured retinal pigment epithelial ()cells in vitro,Explore …
Reproducible production and image-based quality evaluation of …
2020年9月1日 · ELISA and transepithelial resistance (TER) measurement are standard methods to evaluate the function of RPE sheets 17, but they are low-throughput and time-consuming....