A tetO Toolkit To Alter Expression of Genes in - ACS Publications
2015年3月5日 · We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
用于改变酿酒酵母中基因表达的 tetO 工具包,ACS Synthetic …
2015年3月17日 · We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
Here, we built a tetO toolkit, which includes the I-OnuI homing endonuclease to create double-strand breaks, which increases homologous recombination by 105; a plasmid carrying six variant tetO sequences flanked by I-OnuI sites, uncoupling transformation and recombination steps; an S. cerevisiae-optimized TetR−
A tetO Toolkit To Alter Expression of Genes in Saccharomyces …
We identify variants of the Escherichia coli tet operator (tetO) sequence that bind a TetR–VP16 activator with differential affinity and therefore result in different TetR–VP16 activator-driven expression. By recombining these variants upstream of the genes of a pathway, we generate unique combinations of expression levels.
Human Artificial Chromosome with Regulated Centromere: A …
2018年9月21日 · Alphoid tetO-HAC-based technology has also been used to develop new drug screening and assessment strategies to manipulate the CIN phenotype in cancer cells. In summary, the alphoid tetO -HAC is proving to be a versatile tool for studying human chromosome transactions and structure as well as for genome and cancer studies.
Human Alphoid tetO Artificial Chromosome as a Gene Therapy
2020年4月3日 · Human artificial chromosomes (HACs), including the de novo synthesized alphoid tetO-HAC, are a powerful tool for introducing genes of interest into eukaryotic cells. HACs are mitotically stable, non-integrative episomal units that have a large transgene insertion capacity and allow efficient and stable transgene expression.
acs-teto.hu - Zsárik Ferenc ács, állványozó, tetőfedő ...
Zsárik Ferenc ács, állványozó, tetőfedő kivitelező vagyok.
Two-Color Imaging of Nonrepetitive Endogenous Loci in Human Cells | ACS ...
2020年8月21日 · Moreover, the mutant TetO irregular repeat could also be visualized by CRISPR imaging. Our new irregular repeat assembly method demonstrates a generally applicable strategy that can be used for assembling additional orthogonal repeat arrays for imaging genomic loci and irregular repeats to visualize RNA or proteins via signal amplification.
Tető Doki – Profi tetőfelújítás, ács és bádogos szolgáltatások
Mi, a Tető Doki csapata több mint 25 éves tapasztalattal végezzük tetőfedési és tetőfelújítási munkáinkat. Célunk, hogy minden ügyfelünk számára megbízható, tartós és esztétikus tetőmegoldásokat kínáljunk. Szaktudásunknak köszönhetően vállaljuk tetők átvizsgálását, javítását és teljes körű felújítását is. Ha minőségi munkát keres, számíthat ránk!
Cleaning Roof – Acs Teto Fedo Badogos
Acs Teto Fedo Badogos - Blog - Cleaning Roof. Categories. Cleaning Roof; Modern Architecture; Renovation Roof; Roofing; Roofing Technology; Archives. November 2020; November 2019; November 2018; Tags. Maintainance Quality Repair Roofix Satisfied Specimen. November 18, 2020; Why Roofing are factmake 10 Reason Easier.