以太 (The Ether) - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
以太-二-终焉之翼(The Ether-two Wings of the End)是一款冒险模组,作者意图为Minecraft世界创造一个独特的天堂。 与同样以荧石门为传送设备的天境系列相比,这个模组的命运可以说是更加多舛,并且仍然前途未卜。
Zero Point Module | SGCommand | Fandom
A Zero Point Module, often abbreviated ZPM, is a power source, created by the Ancients, capable of supplying tremendous amounts of energy. It is one of the most formidable power sources known to exist, having been developed by the Ancients several million years ago …
Beyond Unity - The Aether Field Exists
2024年5月2日 · Nature has accumulated in the universe an infinite energy. The eternal receiver and transmitter of this infinite energy is the ether. The recognition of the existence of ether and its functions is one of the most important results of modern scientific research...
Zero Point Module (GregTech 5) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Zero Point Module, or ZPM, is a tier 7 (ZPM-Tier) single-use battery capable of providing 2 trillion EU added by GregTech 5. It cannot be crafted; it can only be found, very rarely, in dungeon chests located within Jungle Temples.
ZPM转子支架 (ZPM Rotor Holder) - [GTM]格雷科技现代 ... - MC百科
ZPM转子支架 与 转子支架 为同类物品/方块。 此段资料引用于“ 转子支架 (Rotor Holder) ”并与其保持同步更新。 编辑. 简介. 转子支架,是一类可被安装在多方块机器之上,用于安装涡轮转子的机器方块。 来源. 由 1 个相应电压等级的 机器外壳 、4 个相应电压等级材料的齿轮和小型齿轮有序合成,得到 1 个同电压等级的转子支架。 齿轮和小型齿轮分别所用的材料种类如下: 三钛、钅达(适用于 UV 级)。 用途. 需要安装转子支架的多方块机器包括: 大型涡轮 (包括 大型燃气涡轮 …
The Aether - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
☁️ About the Aether ☁️. The Aether Team presents the original Aether mod! Maintained and kept up to date for modern versions of Minecraft and fully compatible with multiplayer! The Aether centers around a dimension high in the sky, filled with vast skylands of clouds and floating islands.
GTNH-Dev-Doc/vision of the modpack/breakdown/tech tree/07-ZPM …
Current ZPM content is mainly to finish the Naquadah line and to make a Mk II Fusion reactor. There is certainly space here for some additional content. Major unlocks/rewards :
Zero Point Module | Æon Phase Wiki | Fandom
A Zero Point Module, often abbreviated ZPM, is a power source originally designed by the ancient Alterans in the Pegasus galaxy, today built and used among many of the advanced races of the Five Galaxies for their more extreme power needs. Utilizing zero-point energy, it …
有学物理的同学可以解释一下ZPM吗? - 知乎
宇宙有 真空相变,可以认为ZPM是真空相变之间的一个受控热机。 在《StarGate》系列里,实体文明能够得知和使用的最强大的能源装置叫ZPM(Zero Point Module)。 其原理是…
The ZPM rabbit hole and other unanswered questions about the ... - Reddit
2024年5月21日 · A zpm is just an energy storage device, maybe they have the equivalent to the part of a zpm factory that actually produces the energy and it's fully integrated into the ship. That wouldn't necessarily mean the shields would be just as strong.