When your 10-year old boy says “It’s meta,” what does it mean? In …
Nov 17, 2011 · This joke is meta. The humour comes from the barman recognising that he’s in a situation typical of jokes. It isn’t a joke about national stereotypes; it’s a joke about jokes. Similarly, english.stackexchange.com is a Q&A site for discussing English; meta.english.stackexchange.com is a Q&A site for discussing a Q&A site for discussing ...
Meaning of "meta-" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jan 11, 2011 · The reason why it is called "meta-" is that logic studies language and thinking, which makes logic an abstract operation and a theory; and metalogic studies logic, so that it is on a meta-level in relation to logic. Note that meta-x is always relative to its object: metalogic is not "meta-" in relation to, say, pottery.
differences - Nuancing the prefixes "meta-", "hyper-", and "super ...
Sep 1, 2020 · "meta- a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, with the meanings “after,” “along with,” “beyond,” “among,” “behind,” and productive in English on the Greek model."; "hyper- a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “over,” usually implying excess or exaggeration."; "super- a prefix occurring ...
meaning - What is the opposite of "meta"? - English Language
I think terms like "sub-data" for the data that meta-data are about would be a bit misleading; it would imply three levels: sub-data, full data, and meta-data. "Sub-meta-data" would be theoretically consistent, but awkward. "Actual data" would work. Or perhaps just "data": if there are two levels, it will often be clear enough if just one is ...
Why "meth-", "eth-", "prop-", when there is "uni-","di-","tri-"?
I was surprised since wine (ideally) doesn't contain methyl alcohol. From wikipedia: French chemists Jean-Baptiste Dumas and Eugene Peligot, after determining methanol's chemical structure, introduced "methylene" from the Greek methy = "wine" + hȳlē = "wood" (patch of trees) with the intention of highlighting its origins, "alcohol made from wood (substance)", but with Greek language errors ...
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
"At" vs. "in" followed by a city name - English Language & Usage …
Featured on Meta Experimenting with a new experiment opt-out option. Community Asks Sprint Announcement ...
Origin of the word "cum" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Nov 25, 2011 · Etymonline explains:. cum (verb and noun) seems to be a modern (by 1973) variant of the sexual sense of come that originated in pornographic writing, perhaps first in the noun sense.
What would be the proper usage of "Qua" in a sentence?
Jul 22, 2016 · The one place where I encountered qua over and over and over was in the Random House translations of Aristotle that we used in college when studying the Greek philosophers (or more specifically, "the philosopher," as …
Where did the phrase blue sky thinking come from?
Jun 3, 2018 · In a question from Stack Overflow meta, the questioner has a heading: This is currently just blue-sky thinking. in which he's tossing around ideas and asking for feedback or a brainstorm, so they can work out what direction might be good to take. As defined by the Collins Dictionary: phrase