NRK - Wikipedia
'Norwegian Realm's Broadcasting'), commonly known by its initialism NRK, is a Norwegian state-run, government-influenced [3][4] radio and television public broadcasting company. The NRK broadcasts three national TV channels and thirteen national radio channels on digital terrestrial television, digital terrestrial radio and subscription television.
挪威廣播公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
挪威廣播公司 (挪威語: Norsk rikskringkasting,縮寫: NRK,也称 挪威国家广播公司 或 挪威国家广播电视台),是 挪威 的國營公共廣播機構,也是挪威最大的广播电视机构。 由挪威政府出资,向其本土和海外提供 电台 、 电视 、 互联网 服务。 它是該國首屈一指的 公共媒體 機構。 所有的挪广电视频道和广播频率都可以通过其官网nrk.no在线观看和收听。 挪威广播公司是 欧洲广播联盟 的创始成员。 該公司的出資並非國家預算的一部份,但是主要通過對公司的大股東收取 …
NRK.no – nyheter, tv og radio fra Norge og hele verden
NRK.no er Norges største tilbud på nett: nyheter fra Norge og verden, lokalnyheter, radio- og tv-program, podcast, vær, helse-, kultur-, underholdning-, humor- og debattstoff.
NRK News - Wikipedia
NRK News (in Norwegian: NRK Nyheter) is the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's news organisation. It produces news around the clock for radio and television in Norwegian and Sami. There are two main newsrooms, one for radio (NRK Dagsnytt) and one for television (NRK Dagsrevyen); both are headquartered in the Norwegian capital Oslo.
NRK's History in Brief
2007年11月13日 · In 1993, NRK launched the three-channel radio system with P1, P2, and P3. The system makes NRK radio one of the leading radio broadcasters in the world, in terms of market share. Beside the...
About NRK – Information in other languages
NRK - the public broadcaster – unites the people of Norway. Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation - NRK - is organised under nine Departments with Vibeke Fürst Haugen as Director General. Here you...
NRK - Wikiwand
The NRK broadcasts three national TV channels and thirteen national radio channels on digital terrestrial television, digital terrestrial radio and subscription television. They also offer an online video on-demand and podcast streaming service, and produce online and broadcast news.
NRK - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Norwegian Realm Broadcasting'), commonly called NRK, is a radio and TV company owned by the Norwegian government. [1] In 2021, it was the fifth largest media company in Norway by turnover. [2] NRK has three national TV channels and thirteen national radio channels. [3] NRK is shown on TV and radio.
NRK1 - Wikipedia
NRK1 (pronounced as "NRK en" or "- ein") is the main television channel of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). Test broadcasts started on 12 January 1954, regular test broadcasts began on 13 April 1958, and regular broadcasts started on 20 August 1960, formally opened by King Olaf V.
NRK1 | Logopedia | Fandom
NRK1 is the flagship TV channel of Norwegian public broadcaster NRK. It was the only TV channel in the country until 1992, when the private channel TV 2 was launched, and also NRK’s only TV channel before 1996, when NRK To was launched. On 1 September 1996, to coincide with the launch of NRK To, the NRK TV channel was renamed to NRK1.