The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board
The key to successful preparation for the SAT is practice. Find tips on how to study for the SAT using full-length practice tests on Bluebook, downloadable forms if you're approved to test on paper, and Official SAT Prep on Khan Academy®.
What's on the SAT – SAT Suite | College Board
Find out what's going to be on each section of the SAT so you can prepare for test day.
SAT Registration – SAT Suite | College Board
Sign in to My SAT Dashboard to register for the SAT or view information about your registrations.
SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board
2024年8月9日 · These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the SAT:
How the SAT Is Structured – SAT Suite | College Board
The SAT is composed of two sections: (1) the Reading and Writing section, and (2) the Math section. You have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to complete the Math section for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes.
Home – SAT Suite of Assessments | College Board
Show colleges you're ready. Learn about the SAT Suite of Assessments, which includes the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9.
Registering for the SAT - SAT Suite | College Board
Most students take the SAT for the first time in the spring of their junior year and then again in the fall of their senior year. Sign in to your free College Board account. If you don’t have an account yet, create one. You need to register for yourself—your parent or counselor can’t do it for you. Complete your online registration.
Practice – SAT Suite | College Board
Whether you're taking the SAT on a weekend or school day, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9, find your free practice resources here.
Why Take the SAT? – SAT Suite Benefits: For Students & Parents
Here's Why the SAT May Be Your Best Test. More students (1.9 million in the class of 2023) take the SAT than any other admissions exam. If you're deciding between the SAT and the ACT®, see how they compare.
The Math Section – SAT Suite | College Board
Learn about the types of math on the SAT Math section, when you should use a calculator, and more.