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Eve Online player gets fired, starts war to ‘exterminate ... - Polygon
2020年9月15日 · None other than his former employer, the notorious Alex “The Mittani” Gianturco. Multiple sources inside and outside the conflict tell Polygon that the pieces are in place for an …
求助:てみたい的用法 - 百度知道
罗马音:Te mitai. 释义:想试试看。 语法:基本的な意味は「试用」「努力」で、ある仕事を完成させたり、ある事実を検证する目的のために努力したり、试したりすることですが、冒険を …
EVE Online's most notorious player has quit the game
2022年7月24日 · The Mittani, a legendary and polarizing figure in the sprawling sci-fi MMO EVE Online, is reportedly stepping down from his positions as CEO of the GoonWaffe corporation …
thepKz (Thep Mai Tan) - GitHub
Develop software to manage veterinary services for Koi fish, including online consultation, aquarium inspection, fish disease treatment, doctor and customer management and service …
Te Ao Māori mourns the passing of Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti's Ricky Mitai
2024年11月11日 · The Kapa Haka world and te ao Māori are in shock over the sudden death of Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti stalwart and former male leader Ricky Mitai. Tributes are flowing in for a …
The Mittani's Crime & Punishment In Eve Online - Rock Paper …
2012年3月29日 · The Mittani, Eve Online's most famous and infamous player, has learned the hard way that the internet is serious business after all. The controversy arose at last week's …
Remembering Goonswarm's "evil genius": Is it time for a ... - Reddit
Remembering Goonswarm's "evil genius": Is it time for a Mittani comeback? Hey everyone, was doing a bit of EVE nostalgia-tripping and got to thinking about The Mittani's exit over a year …
【JLPT N4 Grammar】〜みたいな / 〜みたいに(~mitaina / …
2024年11月5日 · Used to make comparisons or give examples by saying something is "like" or "similar to" something else. These phrases are casual and often used in spoken Japanese. …
What is the meaning of "Yatte mitai & Zehi tukutte mitekudasaine ...
2023年12月1日 · やってみたいです (Yatte mitai desu) sounds casual but polite at the same time. If you would like to use more formal form, you can say ためしてみたいです(Tameshite mitai …