Why is there no plural 's' after "hundred" or "thousand" in cardinal ...
2014年11月6日 · Let's say we have the numeral "12,345". Why is it pronounced as "twelve thousand three hundred and forty five" as opposed to "twelve thousands three hundreds and forty five". Are 's's omitted while pronouncing numerals to make the whole thing more succinct and easier to pronounce?
phrase meaning - You're three for three - English Language …
2019年3月25日 · Pointy-Haired Boss: Now let's hear what Dilbert did this week. Dilbert: I unnecessarily duplicated Ted's work because you forgot you asked both of us to do the same task. Pointy-Haired Boss: And how about Alice?. Alice: You're three for three. What does three for three mean here, or how can I parse it? She did the same task also?
Questions about "Bad things come in twos/threes"?
2018年3月8日 · I don't think there is any particular reason why we say "three". Perhaps when two bad things happen with just think it is coincidence, but when three bad things happen, we think there must be some magical "bad luck" at work. It is just a superstition. Perhaps a person who believes this superstition sees something bad. Then something else bad ...
word request - "Once, twice, thrice,...", what comes next? - English ...
2016年12月29日 · "Nothing! These three are the only words of their type, and no further terms in the series have ever existed." Oxford dictionary. But you can use tuples, Names for tuples of specific lengths: 1 single. 2 double. 3 triple/treble. 4 quadruple. 5 quintuple pentadruple. 6 sextuple hexatruple. 7 septuple. 8 octuple. 9 nonuple. 10 decuple. 11 ...
grammaticality - "Three pair" vs. "three pairs" - English Language ...
2013年9月5日 · Three pairs of shoes. Though it's worth noting that if you're describing one pair, this would be correct: One pair of shoes. As even though there are multiple shoes involved, there's still just a singular pair. Some nouns have the …
nouns - Difference between 'three time' and 'three times' - English ...
The correct one would be without 's.' Why? Because it then serves as an adjective. Compare: He is a three-year-old boy. And, He is three years older to her. So, if you want to talk about a person, use adjective. He's a three-time member of Lok Sabha [sic]. Note that we have to use the indefinite article in that case.
"5 years experience in" or "5 year experience in" or "5 years of ...
2014年7月8日 · A day's work. A three week's holiday, etc. – Aliénor. Commented Aug 7, 2014 at 12:15. 2
"These are THE three different types of services". Is this correct?
These are three different types of services. Since there is no definite article, it is implied that there are more than three types of services, and the sentence happens to refer to these three. Similarly, someone could say, "Apples, oranges, and bananas are three different types of fruit that we sell."
What's the meaning of "as many as" in these contexts?
2017年7月9日 · "There are Z times as many X as Y" means that the number of X's is equal to Z times the number of Y's. For example, "There are three times as many cell phones as people in our house" means that the number of cell phones is equal to three times the number of people. If there are 4 people then there are 12 cell phones. "Twice" is short for "two ...
Why are there three pronunciations for the plural "-s"?
2020年12月15日 · TLDR. The short answer is that there are certain rules regarding what kind of sound sequences are possible in English, if we used a single pronunciation for the -s endings in every situation, we would end up with ill-formed (and hard-to-pronounce) sequences of sounds, therefore we use three different sounds for the -s in order to conform with those rules.