2B, 2C, or 3 | Stroke - AHA/ASA Journals
2020年5月13日 · The extended Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (eTICI) includes a 2C grade, which indicates near-perfect reperfusion. We investigated how well the respective eTICI scores of 2B, 2C, and 3 correlate with clinical outcome after endovascular treatment.
Thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) scale - Radiopaedia.org
2024年2月10日 · The thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) grading system was described in 2003 by Higashida et al. 1 as a tool for determining the response of thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke. In neurointerventional radiology it is commonly used for patients post endovascular revascularization.
2C or not 2C: defining an improved revascularization grading scale …
In addition, we advocate a revised TICI scale that includes a 2C designation to describe those patients with near-complete reperfusion except for slow flow in one or two distal cortical vessels or the presence of minor distal emboli.
Modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction 2C/Thrombolysis …
2018年4月6日 · Combining mTICI 2C and TICI 3 grades helps to determine a subgroup of patients achieving better functional outcomes than mTICI 2B patients. Achieving mTICI 2C/3 reperfusion should be the new aim of mechanical thrombectomy for anterior circulation LVO.
Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Grade 2C or 3 Represents a …
Patients with TICI 2C grade would be distinguished from those with 2B, because 2C is clinically equivalent to 3 and has a better outcome than 2B. Therefore, achieving 2C or 3 is likely to be closer to the successful aim of endovascular thrombectomy …
Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Grade 2C or 3
2020年4月1日 · Patients with TICI 2C grade would be distinguished from those with 2B, because 2C is clinically equivalent to 3 and has a better outcome than 2B. Therefore, achieving 2C or 3 is likely to be closer to the successful aim of endovascular thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke than achieving 2B.
【精选编译】eTICI 2c或3作为血管内治疗目标与临床效益相关 - 脑 …
最近,通过在mTICI评分中添加2c级来表示近乎完全的再灌注(扩展TICI,eTICI),并修订成功再灌注的定义为达到eTICI 2c或3级。 来自瑞典哥德堡大学Sahlgrenska学院的Karlsson A评估了eTICI 2c相较于eTICI 2b是否能够带来更好的临床效益,发表在2023年8月的《Journal of Neuroradiology》上。 数据主要来自Sahlgrenska的卒中再通登记性研究(SSRR),SSRR是瑞士全国性血管内治疗的前瞻性登记性数据库,该研究纳入2013年12月至2020年12月期间接 …
缺血性卒中血管内治疗的目标应该是什么?2B、2C还是3级? - 脑 …
eTICI 2C的定义为除了少数远端皮层血管血流缓慢或存在小的远端皮层栓子外,几乎完全灌注,这一分级概念现已被广泛应用。 与mTICI 2B的患者(50%~89%再灌注)相比,eTICI 2C的患者(再灌注90%~ 99%)在DSA血管造影上的结果更接近mTICI 3的患者(即100%再灌注患者),理论上,eTICI 2C患者的临床结果也应更接近于eTICI 3患者。 对于各种eTICI评分与临床结果之间的关系,已有一些研究报道。 可能是由于定义的不同和样本量小,这些研究的结论各不相同。 此 …
TICI 2c/3相对于TICI 2b50/2b67的相对效益异质性 - 脑医汇 - 神外 …
来自瑞士学者回顾性分析了TICI 2c/3相对于TICI 2b50/2b67的相对效益异质性。 研究包含903例患者,探讨了不同因素下二者的效益关系。 结果表明二者效益在多方面稳定,仅在特定患者中下降。 想深入了解相关内容,可查看2022年1月《Clin Neuroradiol》杂志文章。
JNIS中文版 | 朱武生教授导读:急性缺血性卒中取栓时完美的再灌 …
2021年7月31日 · 与再灌注mTICI 2b组相比,mTICI 2c组MCA闭塞患者在出院时神经功能良好(NIHSS<5)、神经功能显著改善(入院与出院之间NIHSS降低≥8)和功能独立(mRS≤2)的情况也更为常见。 mTICI评分<2c组比<2b组更能预测预后不良(3个月时mRS>2)。