Great Vault Not Updating to Show Delve Rewards
If you then also complete 2 Tier 8 Delves, you will upgrade the reward at that same breakpoint. If you then complete 2 more World Events, you will unlock both a high level Delve reward at the …
Received the Wrong Item Level from higher Delve Tier Difficulties
Common Problems. Finished a Delve with a coffer key but ended up with a green low level item; Getting low item level rewards from the end of Delve chests
Wrong Rewards Offered In The Great Vault - Blizzard Support
The Item Level of rewards for all three activities is based on the highest difficulty tier you accomplished in each activity per the number of completions required to unlock that reward …
Didn't Receive Premium Battle Pass with Diablo IV Purchase
Common Problems. I purchased the Diablo IV Digital Deluxe edition, but the Premium Battle Pass is nowhere to be found.
Didn't Receive Overwatch 2 Premium Battle Pass
Overwatch 20 Free Tier Skips Missing or Undelivered. What to do if you cannot find your free 20 Tier Skips from the Ultimate Battle Pass in Overwatch 2. Missing Mythic Prisms from …
Didn't Receive Timewarped Relic Coffer Key - Blizzard Support
Each difficulty of Anniversary Blackrock Depths drops a different tier of Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys. It is only possible to obtain 120 Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys per difficulty, so you will …
World of Warcraft Item Restoration - Blizzard Support - Battle.net
Find what you lost. After selecting your character, we'll show you a list of items your character vendored, destroyed, or disenchanted.
Can't Transmogrify Classic PvP Gear - Blizzard Support
Information on how Classic PvP gear works with the Transmogrification system in World of Warcraft
Armor Rack in Legion Order Hall Not Showing Collected Sets
The Armor Racks in the Legion Class Hall only fill for specific levels of each tier set. For tiers that can be collected at more than one difficulty, the racks will only reflect a full collection of the …
Diablo IV Technical Troubleshooting - Blizzard Support
Comprehensive troubleshooting for any technical issue you encounter that does not have its own support article