Panzer VI 'Tiger I' (231) of 2./s.Pz. Abt. 503 - Axis History Forum
2017年8月24日 · The tank “231” of Leutnant Zabel from sPzAbt 503 was hit 252 times by fire from all calibres during combat near Ssemernikovo. The tank was able to be driven a further 60km and returned to the unit. Later, the tank was returned to Germany (note thetransport tracks) but it is not known whether this tank was repaired.
Tiger 231 1946 field location today - Gunter Boldt - Wittmann
2020年7月29日 · So, one big question, was, the picture of 231, in the field in 1946, the probably tiger Gunter was in when he was mortally wounded jul 19 on the bourgebus ridge had anyone found that location today? many of us love the THEN and NOW pics and I started looking and asking. again, SO MANY OF YOU here were awesome! Eindhoven, Michael Kenny, and on ...
Panzer VI 'Tiger I' (231) of 2./s.Pz. Abt. 503 - Axis History Forum
2018年2月5日 · And every single one of them survived into the summer, after this Tiger "231" was already withdrawn from service. Another relevant fact is that the font of the number "231" is the same font used throughout s.Pz.Abt. 503 in early 1943. So, this Tiger appears, for all of these reasons, to be an original s.Pz.Abt. 503 Tiger.
1943 503rd Tiger Abt. Combats - Axis History Forum
2015年5月21日 · A 503 Abt. HQ document dated 10.10.1943, signed by its 1a, gives this data in a detailed report of July 5 to September 21, 1943 dealing with such things as combats, repairs, Tiger parts used . . . Unit claimed 501 tanks shot, most T34 but also KV 1 and II, Churchill, Sherman and some SU 122 and SU 152.
Tiger 1 Late #231 s.SS.Abt. 102 - Axis History Forum
2008年1月16日 · I have found a great picture of Tiger #231 of schwere SS Panzer Abteilung 102 in Normandy in 1944 in Ground Power 118. It shows a battle damaged back end in good detail. However, what it does not show is the front of the tank. I am in the process of moving house and all my remaining books are boxed up.
509 Tiger Abt. #231 burns out T34's Jan.27,1945 - Axis History Forum
The Soviet 23 Tank Corps sent to stop a German advance towards Budapest after 1000 ran into Tigers in and around Pettend, a small town NE of Lake Veleneze. Later, the small Tiger II group of 4 was about to depart the area. Ofw. Gustav Neuhaus in #231 saw one flash from a barn's open door. He fired: the T34 exploded, the barn burned down.
Perspectives of a lesser known Tiger tank commander
2023年3月14日 · These are excerpts from the diary of Joachim Scholl. A man I got to know very well & to whom this site is dedicated. Joachim was a tiger commander in charge of Tiger # 232 in the Das Reich battalion. Although not as famous as some of the other commanders through his career he destroyed some 76 Allied tanks before being captured at Caen.
Vehicles in the Kampfgruppe Peiper - Axis History Forum
2005年8月15日 · SS-Pz.Abt. 501 had 45 Tiger II´s as you say, the first Tiger II´s was delivered on 17-18 october 1944 to s. SS-Pz.Abt. 501. But its important to remeber that not all of these tanks participated in the offensive, a lot of them where left behind because of engine problems and such, what I have read about 30-35 Tiger II´s started out, but only ...
5 Shermans 1 Tiger/Panther Myth? - Page 2 - Axis History Forum
2016年11月19日 · 5 Shermans 1 Tiger/Panther Myth? Discussions on all aspects of the United States of America during the Inter-War era and Second World War. Hosted by Carl Schwamberger.
German analysis of tanks rated the Tiger II as "far superior" to the …
2023年7月2日 · Armor, speed and other technical points do not make a tank superior ,but the degree of training of the crew, the number of ammunition, the infantry that is protecting the tank, the mission, the weather, the terrain, etc,the same points for the opponent . Besides Tiger II and IS were meeting and fighting against each other only exceptionally .