TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC (Virtual Network Computing), a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines.
vncviewer - TigerVNC
As another quick way to start a connection to a VNC server, specify a .tigervnc configuration file as an argument to the viewer, e.g.: vncviewer ./some.tigervnc. where ’./some.tigervnc’ is an existing and valid TigerVNC configuration file. The file name needs to include a path separator.
x0vncserver is a TigerVNC server which makes any X display remotely accessible via VNC, TigerVNC or compatible viewers. Unlike Xvnc (1), it does not create a virtual display. Instead, it just shares an existing X server (typically, that one connected to the physical screen).
vncsession - TigerVNC
Several VNC-related files are found in the directory $HOME/.config/tigervnc: /etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-defaults. The optional system-wide equivalent of $HOME/.config/tigervnc/config. If this file exists and defines options to be passed to Xvnc, they will be used as defaults for users.
vncconfig - TigerVNC
VNC was originally developed by the RealVNC team while at Olivetti Research Ltd / AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. TightVNC additions were implemented by Constantin Kaplinsky. Many other people have since participated in development, testing and support. This manual is part of the TigerVNC software suite.
VNC was originally developed by the RealVNC team while at Olivetti Research Ltd / AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. TightVNC additions were implemented by Constantin Kaplinsky. Many other people have since participated in development, testing and support. This manual is part of the TigerVNC software suite.
vncpasswd - TigerVNC
Its default behavior is to prompt for a VNC password and then store an obfuscated version of this password to passwd-file (or to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tigervnc/passwd if no passwordfile is specified.)