Home | TiL Group
We invest in, develop, and manage a highly diversified global portfolio of container terminal businesses.
Company profile | TiL Group
Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) has demonstrated consistent growth over the past 25 years, positioning itself to become the leading port operator in the world. TiL has a diverse portfolio of container terminals, strategically located at key ports on the world's major shipping routes, providing access to key mature and developing markets.
Hutchison Sells Panama and Other Ports to BlackRock and MSC in …
2025年3月4日 · Hutchison Sells Panama and Other Ports to BlackRock and MSC in $22.8B Deal ... (TiL), MSC Group’s terminal operator. The deal valued at $22.8 billion (enterprise value) is for 80 percent ...
MSC TiL and BlackRock Lead Monumental Acquisition of …
2025年3月10日 · In a landmark deal that marks a significant shift in the landscape of global maritime logistics, MSC's Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) and BlackRock, through their consortium, have successfully agreed to acquire key assets from CK Hutchison. This transformative agreement, valued at US$22.8 billion, includes the acquisition of a 90% stake in Panama Ports Company, which
MSC to benefit from BlackRock TIL buyout of Hutchinson …
2025年3月13日 · TIL has a significant presence in the ports of Antwerp (Belgium), Bremerhaven (Germany) and Le Havre (France), and as noted, MSC now has a sizeable stake in HHLA at the German port of Hamburg. Meanwhile, Hutchinson is the majority stakeholder in ECT Rotterdam, the largest terminal operator at Europe’s biggest container port.
Acuerdo permitirá a TIL-MSC saltar a la cima de los operadores
2025年3月5日 · El acuerdo entre Ck Hutchison y Balckrock-TIL, permitirá a este último (TIL/MSC) colocarse como líder entre los operadores globales del mundo, de acuerdo con el ranking que elabora Drewry anualmente. Este acuerdo es calificado por Drewry como una gran victoria para MSC, asegurando capacidad adicional en varios mercados clave.
李澤鉅傳向北京說明碼頭是賣給義大利MSC家族 堪稱最有實力的買 …
3 天之前 · msc總運力佔全球20.10%,資金雄厚,既掌握貨源,還擁有航港專業,擴大碼頭事業後,估計經營綜效可大幅提升。 業界高階指出,知名經濟學者郎咸平說李嘉誠是逮到千載難逢的機會把這43個獲利偏低的碼頭賣出去,但對MSC來說,應該是「撿到寶」,完全符合MSC ...
Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) - Ports Europe
2025年2月17日 · Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) is part of MSC – Mediterranean Shipping Company. It manages port terminals on behalf of MSC to guarantee port capacity for the parent company’s container shipping services.
操刀收购$长和(00001)$ 码头资产包的,其实是这位尼日利亚人以 …
4 天之前 · 坚信价值 03-19 00:31. msc控股的til才是这次收购后真正的运营实体,在31个国家有超过70个码头,每年处理6500万集装箱。 而$长和(00001)$ 的码头一共处理8200万个集装箱,不过这个数字包括了不在这次交易里的大陆、香港码头。 所以这个交易其实就是两大码头巨头的合并,而不是金融投资者(贝莱德)的 ...
MSC信任勒阿弗尔港作为枢纽港,并接管了两个码头 By 迈克·韦克特 11/07/2022MSC 的子公司码头投资有限公司( TiL …
2022年7月12日 · MSC 的子公司码头投资有限公司( TiL )已完全拥有法国勒阿弗尔港三个集装箱码头中的两个。 TiL 以 7 亿欧元(合7.13亿美元)的投资收购了海运码头和诺曼底码头的股份,其中包括在 6 年内为码头工人创造 900 个工作岗位和 200 个维护人员岗位。
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