Time's Up (運動) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Time's Up(譯為「時間到了」、「到此為止」、「是時候停止了」)是一場由好萊塢藝人于2018年1月1日成立的反性侵犯活動 [2] ,並與溫斯坦效應和#MeToo相呼應。截至2018年 (!
Time's Up (organization) - Wikipedia
Time's Up (stylised in all caps) was a non-profit organization that raised money to support victims of sexual harassment. The organization was founded on January 1, 2018, by Hollywood celebrities in response to the Weinstein effect and the Me Too movement .
什么是times up和time up? - 百度知道
- "Times up" 表示特定时间限制已经到了,意味着时间结束。 - "Time up" 指的是时间已经用完或到期,具有类似的含义。 例句: - The exam is over, time's up!(考试结束了,时间到了! - The parking meter shows time up, you need to move your car.(停车计时器显示时间已到,你需要移车。 2. 用法区别: - "Times up" 通常作为一个短语或口头警告,用于提醒某人超过了规定的时间限制。 - "Time up" 可以作为一个完整的句子,用于陈述时间已到,表示完成或进入下一个阶段 …
What is the Time's Up Movement and the #MeToo Movement? | TIME
2018年3月8日 · The groundbreaking anti-sexual assault and women’s empowerment movements #MeToo and Time’s Up upended the public conversation about women’s issues around the world, and elevated the global...
Time's Up (運動) - Wikiwand
Time's Up (译为“ 时间到了 ”、“ 到此为止 ”、“ 是时候停止了 ”)是一场由 好莱坞 艺人于2018年1月1日成立的反 性侵犯 活动 [2],并与 温斯坦效应 和 #MeToo 相呼应。 截至2018年 2月,活动已筹得2000万美金法律辩护基金,并聚集了超过200位的志愿律师 [3]。 事实速览 成立时间, 类型 ... 2017年11月,国际农民女性联盟写了一封声援信给参与揭露 哈维·温斯坦 性侵犯 指控的好莱坞女性。 这封信刊登于《时代》,并描述女农民遭受侵犯和 骚扰 的经历。 该信指出这是代表了大 …
"time up" 和 "time is up" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
'Time up' is incorrect grammatically and sounds unnatural 'Time is up' is grammatically correct but also sounds unnatural. Although both sound strange they would both have the same meaning to a listener regardless of 'is' A more natural way to say it would be 'Time's up' (Which is just a contraction of 'Time is up)
What is the Time’s Up movement? | Vox
2018年1月2日 · With Time’s Up, Hollywood women are working to change the entertainment industry — and to support low-income women speaking out against sexual misconduct. A new campaign aims to help women ...
time up是什么意思_time up的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
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Time's Up, LLC
When you grow up with as little as Gary Stevenson (b. 1986) did, you have to claw to get ahead in life. Given the rules in advance to something called The Trading Game, he leveraged the chance to participate in the competition and destroyed his fellow participants, winning a plum internship at Citibank. Stevenson bares his soul in this memoir…
time's up-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
When the time's up, you can go as soon as you like. Uncle Jim, time's up, are you ready? 沾叔,时间到了,你搅定了没有? It happens. His time's up. Listen, Blart, time's up. We're busting in. Miss Yu, time's up. See you next time. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. Okay, time's up. Good. Well, time's up for today, kids. You're going to be just swell.