Website | Tina gravel
Tina Gravel is a remarkable and influential figure in the world of technology and cybersecurity. With a wealth of experience and expertise, she has emerged as a thought leader and advocate for advancing cybersecurity practices in the modern digital landscape.
Articles | website
"Study after study has shown that women are more risk averse," Tina Gravel, senior vice president of global channels and strategic alliances for Cryptzone, said in an email referencing a Harvard Business Review report.
Accolades | website
Tina has also been recognized by CompTIA, Onalytica, Engati, WIT, Award and Aithority Magazines for her work in cybersecurity and advancing women in the technology industry. In September of 2023, Tina was one of 15 finalists for the CRN "Woman of the Year" Award for Executive Mentor of the Year.
Media - website
2021年3月4日 · The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode #96 - Tina Gravel - SVP Global Channels and Alliances - AppGate 2021
About - website
Tina served as GM/VP of Dimension Data's Cloud Services Business and was the VP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing for Nirvanix. At Terremark, Tina held key roles and over her 13- year tenure, helped guide the team from $400,000 in …
Channel Focus Womens Leadership Conference | website
Tina Gravels will be speaking next at Channel Focus Womens Leadership Conference
Meet me at Impartnercon 24! | website
2024年2月5日 · This show has some of my absolute favorite speakers and sessions. Including Kathryn Rose, Tiffani Bova and many others.