The Ting Xu Group
Welcome to the Xu Group. We work on designing, characterizing and understanding complex systems of synthetic polymers, nanoparticles and biomolecules to develop new functional materials that exhibit novel electronic, photonic, and biological properties. Our Research
Ting Xu | College of Chemistry
Researches in Xu's group take advantage of the recent developments in de novo protein design and peptidomimetics, polymer science and nanoparticles synthesis and manipulation, and use designed peptides and proteins in concert with the self-assembly of block copolymers, conjugated molecule and nanoparticles as platforms to generate ...
Xu Ting - Google Scholar
Xu Ting. University of California, Berkeley. Verified email at berkeley.edu. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Highly oriented and ordered arrays from block copolymers via solvent evaporation. SH Kim, MJ Misner, T Xu, M Kimura, TP Russell.
The Ting Xu Group - University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Ting Xu. Professor of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering and Department of Chemistry. Dr. Xu teaches Polymer Surfaces And Interfaces (MATSCI 251) for graduate students during the Fall semester, and Polymeric Materials (MATSCI 151) for upper-division undergraduate students during the Spring semester.
Ting Xu | Research UC Berkeley
Ting Xu is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The key to future technology is the design and fabrication of functional materials having structures ordered down to the molecular level.
徐婷(美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校材料科学与工程系和化学系 …
Ting Xu - Materials Science & Engineering
Ting Xu Professor of Materials Science and Engineering . 381 Hearst Memorial Mining Building Berkeley, CA 94720-1720 . Email: [email protected] Phone: (510) 642-1632 Research Website: www.xugroup.berkeley.edu. Research.
Ting Xu (徐婷) - Homepage
Ting Xu, Huiyun Yang, Zhen Wu, Jiaze Chen, Fei Zhao, Xinyu Dai. Dataset. This paper introduces a new dataset, named DMASTE, which is manually annotated to better fit real-world scenarios by providing more diverse and realistic reviews for the ASTE task.
The Ting Xu Group - University of California, Berkeley
Hao Yu, Luofu Liu, Ruilin Yin, Ivan Jayapurna, Rui Wang, and Ting Xu Mapping Composition Evolution through Synthesis, Purification, and Depolymerization of Random Heteropolymers. J. Am.
Ting Xu | Toronto Rotman - Google Sites
Ting Xu (徐霆) Assistant Professor of Finance. University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management. 105 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 3E6. Email: [email protected] CV | SSRN | Google...