Scott | TheJoyofCreation Wikia | Fandom
Scott is the main protagonist in The Joy of Creation. He cannot be seen, even if by pressing M. He is widely assumed to be Scott Cawthon. He is also an entirely different person that the protagonist of The Joy of Creation: Story Mode, as in that game the 'Scott' referenced is …
Scott Cawthon | TheJoyofCreation Wikia | Fandom
Scott Cawthon (AKA The Protagonist) is the player who you play as in TJOC:R. The protagonist is playable in The Joy of Creation: Reborn. He was possibly the manager of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and Fazbear's Diner. He is an American evident by …
Scott Cawthon - The Joy of Creation Wiki
Scott Cawthon is the developer of the principal Five Nights at Freddy's saga, and a character in the TJOC saga. The protagonist is playable in The Joy of Creation: Reborn. He was possibly the manager of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and Fazbear's Diner.
Download THE JOY OF CREATION Demo - Steam
THE JOY OF CREATION puts you in the shoes of The Creator, a game developer forced to confront the manifestations of his own mind throughout five unique levels, each with a unique blend of free-roaming and classic sit-and-survive gameplay mechanics. This game is officially backed by Scott Cawthon as part of the Fazbear Fanverse Initiative.
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Play through the eyes of Scott Cawthon and his family, as they try to survive inside their own home on the dreadful night that brought the horror into reality, the scorched beings whose origin and motives are yet unknown.
- 评论数: 1.7万
TJOCsm创造的乐趣攻略#1 - 哔哩哔哩
此游戏有五关,本篇来讲第一关. 第一关开头会有两个过场动画,第一个动画讲了迈克尔(那个FANFSL最后被挖勺弄死的保安,Ennard钻进了保安的身体里,所以准确来说是Ennard)来到了Scott家里,因为快晚上了,所以Scott让他在Scott家住一晚然后第二天滚蛋, 迈克尔因这事而记仇让玩具5人组来搞Scott. 言归正传,第一关你是Scott的小孩,你要在你的婴儿床里防御玩具熊直到六点钟。 第二个动画是讲如何防御它们这个我待会会讲. 首先是Freddy,请看下图. 在窗户的 …
The Joy of Creation | TheJoyofCreation Wikia | Fandom
The Joy of Creation, often abbreviated as TJoC, is a Five Nights at Freddy's fan game created by Nikson. The game was canceled after Nikson announced he was tired of the project and had moved on. Though the idea got turned into The Joy of Creation: Reborn four months after the original The Joy of Creation was canceled.
Scott | The Joy of Creation Wiki - Fandom
Scott is the main character of TJOC. His appearance is currently unknown. Like the main characters of Five Nights at Freddy's, Scott is a silent character. It could be possible that Scott may be the manager at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, since the Phone Guy calls him up once-in-a-while to tell him...
Scott Cawthon (Story Mode) - The Joy of Creation Wiki
Scott Cawthon is the deuteragonist of The Joy of Creation: Story Mode, and the father of Nick Cawthon. He is the creator of the game franchise, Five Nights at Freddy's, and is the central target of Michael and The Ignited. The player controls him in the Office and Attic memories.
The Joy of Creation: Story Mode - The FNAF Fan Game Wikia
Play through the eyes of Scott Cawthon and his family, as they try to survive inside their own home on the dreadful night that brought the horror into reality, the scorched beings whose origin and motives are yet unknown.