TKB-0146 - Wikipedia
The TKB-0146 (Russian: ТКБ-0146) is a bullpup assault rifle prototype designed by Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin at the TsKIB SOO. The gun participated in the Russian Army 's Project Abakan assault rifle trials. [1][2]
高速点射之觞(二)——TKB-0146 - 哔哩哔哩
TKB-0146为短行程活塞导气式自动原理,回转式枪机闭锁,使用5.45x39mm弹。 步枪全长970mm,枪管长420mm,空重3.8千克。 TKB-0146的保险和快慢机位于枪械的左侧,“П”代表保险,“O-А”分部表示单发/全自动,“2”表示两发点射。
TKB-0146: Igor Stechkin's Rifle in Abakan Trials
2018年8月6日 · TKB-0146 is a gas operated firearm with a short stroke gas piston. The rifle is chambered in 5.45x39mm. The lockup of the action is accomplished via a rotating bolt. The …
少女前线尚未出现的武器构想 (5):TKB-0146 - 哔哩哔哩
tkb-0146是这场竞赛中唯一的无托式步枪,由图拉兵工厂提交,设计师为伊戈尔·雅科夫列维奇·斯捷奇金。 采用双重扳机设计,轻按主扳机单发射击,主扳机按到底后触动辅助扳机就可以全自动射击,通过快慢机的切换则可以将主扳机的功能切换为射速高达2000发 ...
Project Abakan | Gun Wiki | Fandom
Both the TKB-0146 and AS showed excellent accuracy, with testers noting the great comfort they had when shooting them, and could fire a two-round burst so quickly that it sounded like a single shot.
苏联TKB-0146无托步枪 斯捷奇金大师的“魔幻作品”
2018年8月7日 · TKB-0146是斯捷奇金参加“阿巴坎计划”的样枪,该计划是苏联武器专家提出“研制一种性能超过AK-74自动步枪0.5倍”的新武器构想。
TKB-0146 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The TKB-0146 is a Soviet bullpup prototype assault rifle that participated the Abakan program. This weapon was considered more advanced than the AN-94 but was turned down due to its complexity of components.
TKB-0146 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The TKB-0146 (Russian: ТКБ-0146) is a bullpup assault rifle prototype designed by Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin at the TsKIB SOO. The gun participated in the Russian Army's Project Abakan assault rifle trials.
“Abakan” by Igor Stechkin: a unique machine gun, not accepted …
2024年7月9日 · “Abakan” by Igor Stechkin is a unique experimental machine gun, created at the end of the 20th century as part of a competition to develop new automatic weapons for the Soviet army. This weapon, also known under the symbol TKB-0146, was a bullpup (one of the layout schemes for rifle and
Experimental: TKB-0146 - Kalashnikov Media
2019年5月29日 · Experimental: TKB-464 by Silin and Pererushev 13 August 2019Bullpup rifle by Igor Stechkin