Frontiers | Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Pathways
2014年9月24日 · TLRs are largely classified into two subfamilies based on their localization, cell surface TLRs and intracellular TLRs. Cell surface TLRs include TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, and TLR10, whereas intracellular TLRs are localized in the endosome and include TLR3, TLR7, TLR8, TLR9, TLR11, TLR12, and TLR13 (5, 6).
TLR12P Gene - GeneCards | TLR12P Pseudogene
2024年12月25日 · Control Lentivectors and Lentiviruses with GFP, RFP, and Luciferase also available. This gene was present in the common ancestor of human and mouse. No disorders were found for TLR12P Gene. (click the icon to the left of a publication to see abstract and related MeSH terms) The evolution of vertebrate Toll-like receptors.
免疫学知识点:模式识别受体之Toll样受体(TLR)蛋白概述 - 哔哩 …
2024年8月30日 · 胞内TLR包括TLR3、TLR7、TLR8、TLR9、TLR11、TLR12和TLR13,它们位于内质网(ER)、内体和溶酶体中。 细胞表面TLR识别细菌膜成分,如脂质、脂蛋白和蛋白质,而细胞内TLR主要识别核酸。
Cooperation of TLR12 and TLR11 in the IRF8-dependent IL-12 …
Biochemical experiments revealed that TLR11 and TLR12 directly bind to T. gondii profilin and are capable of forming a heterodimer complex. We also established that the transcription factor IRF8, not NF-kB, plays a central role in the regulation of the TLR11- and TLR12-dependent IL-12 response of DCs.
Toll 样受体信号转导 | Cell Signaling Technology
Toll 样受体 (TLRs) 可识别不同的病原体相关分子模式,并在先天性免疫应答中扮演着不可或缺的角色。 它们是抵御病原体入侵的第一道防线,在炎症、免疫细胞调控、存活和增殖方面发挥着关键作用。 到目前为止,已发现11个 TLR 家族成员,其中 TLR1、TLR2、TLR4、TLR5、TLR6 和 TLR11 位于细胞表面,而 TLR3、TLR7、TLR8 和 TLR9 位于内体/溶酶体部分。 TLR 信号转导通路的激活来源于细胞浆 Toll/IL-1 受体 (TIR) 的结构域,该结构域与 TIR 结构域包含的接头蛋白 …
Innate immunity to Toxoplasma gondii infection - Nature
2014年1月24日 · In mice, Toll-like receptor 11 (TLR11) is the principal innate immune sensor for T. gondii. TLR11 recognizes the unconventional actin-binding protein profilin, which is essential for parasite...
PRR模式识别受体-Toll样受体(TLR)等-赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher …
胞内TLR包括TLR3、TLR7、TLR8、TLR9、TLR11、TLR12和TLR13,它们位于内质网(ER)、内体和溶酶体中 [2, 6, 7]。 细胞表面TLR识别细菌膜成分,如脂质、脂蛋白和蛋白质,而细胞内TLR主要识别核酸 [8, 9]。
Cooperation of TLR12 and TLR11 in the IRF8-dependent IL-12 ... - PubMed
2013年11月1日 · Similar to TLR11, TLR12 is an endolysosomal innate immune receptor that colocalizes and interacts with UNC93B1. Biochemical experiments revealed that TLR11 and TLR12 directly bind to T. gondii profilin and are capable of forming a heterodimer complex.
Newly described pattern recognition receptors team up against
2013年7月12日 · Recognition of apicomplexan parasites by TLR12. T. gondii is an obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasite that infects a wide range of warm-blooded hosts.
TLR11 or TLR12 silencing reduces Leishmania major infection
Herein, we report that TLR11/ TLR12 expression increases in virulent L. major-infected macrophages but is prevented by miltefosine, an anti-leishmanial drug. While lipohosphoglycan (LPG) increases, LPG or TLR2 blockade prevents, the heightened TLR11/TLR12 expression.