TM1640 based, 16 digit display (dealextreme) - Arduino Forum
2011年12月5日 · I can get the Chinese version of the TM1640 downloaded, translate.google.com won't do the translation. Need the address information on I2C commands to send it data for each digit. See attached PDF. Hopefully this works! Translated version of tm1640.pdf (112 KB)
How to control this display? [SOLVED] - Arduino Forum
2022年7月13日 · Hello! I recovered a display from a UPS thrown in the trash. I looked at the TM1640 IC on the back and it seemed familiar to me, he is a 'cousin' of the TM1637.
controlle TM1640 with arduino using shiftout function
2019年8月7日 · 2- The TM1640 which I have is directly connected to 16 digit 7 segment display in such a connection that doesn't Match with the library parameters ( as e.g when I type "123") it light randomly segment, it looks randomly, but when you concentrate the number of segments which needed to light up for "123" is same number of random segments .
Help with 8x8 RG LED matrix w/ TM1640 chip - Arduino Forum
2013年5月24日 · (Play-Zone.CH 8x8 Dual Color LED-Matrix mit TM1640 Treiber) As i had the same issue with the pins i asked the shop for support and they posted a picture: the 4 pins (starting where the print is COM0...8 ) are: DIN, CLK, GND, VCC. I hope i could help you. (I know it has been long since you posted this topic). Or maybe it helps someone else.
Proyecto nuevo con TM1640 Ayuda plz... - Arduino Forum
2012年8月31日 · He incluido las librerias Tm1640 de Ricardo Batista y compilado el conjunto satisfactoriamente. Se ha simplificado mucho el script empleando arrays,... eneste punto ha sido decisivo Alvaro Alea, que me aconsejo y me facilito enormemente la faena.
TM1640 based, 16 digit display (dealextreme) - Arduino Forum
2012年1月13日 · Well, the Tm164 is actually 28 pins. All the A segments are connected on parallel, all the Bs, all the Cs, Ds, Es, Fs, all the Decimal Points. So that's 8 pins. Then each group of segments gets a common cathode (or anode?). 16 more. Power, Ground, and the two I2C lines. 4 more. 28 pins. Each digit is turned on one at a time for ~500uS, so every 8 mS all 16 digits get turned on one time.
Read data to TM1640 - Programming - Arduino Forum
2024年4月14日 · hello, it is posible to read data sended to TM1640 ? i have acces two wires clk and data. Code bellow work with display but i need read the data sended to displays thx #include "TM1638.h"// yes you need both #includ…
TM1640 demo sketch works for ATtiny85 in IDE0022, but not …
2013年4月22日 · I'm using the code from the instructible, but the standard 2.1.3 example for TM1640 compiles okay also. As a fallback I'll be completing this project in Arduino IDE0022, but it would be nice not to have to go retro.
[RESOLU]Valeur analogique sur afficheur Leds 7 segments x4 …
2012年12月25日 · Bonjour, j'ai cherché pendant pas mal de temps mais rien, alors je pose ma question 🙄 Je veux afficher une valeur d'une broche analogique sur un afficheur 4x 7 segments Leds (Seedstudio grove qui utilise un tm1637). J'arrive à afficher des chiffres et caractères donnés mais le problème c'est que je ne sais pas comment faire pour "séparer" les unités, dizaines, centaines et milliers d ...
TM1650 Arduino library for 2 x 8 led display
2023年4月22日 · Hey all I am using a 2 digit 8 segment TM1650 Arduino library and I can't seem to find the setting for that?